Recent content by MacsLady

  1. MacsLady

    Grade 'Seth and Apep'

    What a fantastic episode! - Mac - finally, finally, we got to see just what a dangerous man Mac is, and how he truly is a man driven by his emotions. As Jade Nolan pointed out, this ep really did show just what he's capable of, and serve as reminder of the fact that he was a Recon Marine, and...
  2. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    well, I would settle for just Mac and Danny's 'days off' because I hate Hawkes. I'm looking forward to the Mac/Christine storyline, but yes, I agree it would be nice to have a separate episode involving a day off for Mac. And I like 'Nine Thirteen' for a title.
  3. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    yeah it would go past the point of being funny and be basically just her looking stoooopid after a while. kinda like Horatio gone wrong! the ep sounds cool though.
  4. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    I think a Mac/Christine wedding would be a great way to end the show. I really don't like Stella much most of the time, so I personally don't care if she comes back. Given the way MK left, I don't think it's very likely she'd want to come back anyway, especially if, as someone already said...
  5. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    Yay - Mac told Jo she *was* overstepping! Of course she's right in that there *is* something up with him and he *does* need to tell someone but the whole way he's handled the aphasia thing is so totally Mac, and also shows that no matter what certain people say he IS flawed and he DOES NOT see...
  6. MacsLady

    Christine #1

    I like Christine a lot and think she's great for Mac. She seems like a mature, smart woman who knows what she wants and loyal too and she obviously loves Mac a lot. I think Mac has brought a lot of happiness into Christine's life too - I got the impression from their little chat at the end of...
  7. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    Hopefully they will realise, they must have realised Mac meeting Christine while in Basic Training as the spoilers re her arrival initially suggested, wouldn't work, and they changed that. I mean, they even referenced Mac being a uniform cop in the early '90s in that flashback to when he first...
  8. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    I think Mac joined the NYPD in 1992. there's no way he'd have been a detective, so that's either yet another massive continuity blunder (ala Christine's brother being another 'Stan' Whitney) or they actually mean Mac was a uniform cop assigned to the task force. Despite the continuity error, it...
  9. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    ^That was my reaction too! I'm SO glad that Christine played a big part in getting Mac back on his feet and I would love to see the series end with him finally finding happiness. :) It sounds like she will be in a few eps this series, which is great.
  10. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    ^Hopefully the presence of the ex won't detract from any Mac-Jo friendship awesomeness - Russ was in 'Identity Crisis' and that still had some lovely moments between Mac and Jo.:) The writers seem to have been very keen on emphasising their friendship/mutual connection & understanding & support...
  11. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    I think it's more likely referring to the missing girl being very close in age to Ellie, in addition to the case involving the Fed she used to date. But knowing Jo, I suspect the victim's closeness to age to Ellie is what 'hits home' the hardest.
  12. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    I really, really hope whatever happens with DL in ep 4 won't result in excessive whining and hand-wringing and woe-is-me stuff from them both. I do love the idea of each character having an ep where part of it where we see them on their day off, and I don't think I'd mind the DL bit too much...
  13. MacsLady

    Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

    I think he was just trying to get rid of her.
  14. MacsLady

    Grade 'Near Death'

    I agree. I only said 'maybe' Don, but tbh if Don knew about it I can definitely see him teasing Mac as relentlessly as Stan did. :):lol: And you're exactly right about how middle names aren't something adults tend to bother with, out of all the people I know, I only know my dad's and...
  15. MacsLady

    Grade 'Near Death'

    Me neither. I suspect no one except Claire, Christine, and Stan Whitney know about his middle name being 'Llwellyn'. Maybe Don.