Recent content by Lukaret

  1. L

    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Re: Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Back again, and with a gift for you. :D I'll have to link to the picture I promised, since it's... big. I cropped myself out, and a small watermark, but it's small enough that you can ignore it. Gaze at your own risk... :p Click for...
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Re: Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hello, everyone. I don't know if any of you knew this, but today Adam was at my college to promote Barack Obama. He was very eloquent and passionate about voting, but I'm sure that's not what you guys wanted to hear about. ;) I have...
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    A Thank You from A.J. Buckley!

    Yay! He finally has it. I'm glad he enjoyed it, and he's such a sweetie. It's cute to see how humble he is, surprised that he has fans. Of course you do, AJ! :D And the picture is very cute. I like the zipper jacket... what I do!
  4. L

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    Don't fret, m'dear! I'll gladly sing his praises. Because his role last night was awesome. I have no doubts that after work Adam regularly signs into Second Life and does some avatar chatting, and his skills in battle are pretty good. Probably means that he has battled before. (Whoo! Go Adam!)...
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    A Thank You from Hill Harper!

    Awww. I wish I was there to send in some panties! He's an awesome guy to let his picture get taken with a bunch of ladies' panties... ;P My laughter made the people in my library stare at me funny, but what the heck, it's Hill with panties, I couldn't help it.
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    Wallace/Hodges: Full Experience #3

    Okay, who's pleased with the new credits? I am!
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    A Thank You from Eddie Cahill

    ^^^Hahaha. I can just imagine the teasing on Carmine. :devil: And looking over the list, yeah, Eddie's got the cleaner versions of the projects... luckily or unluckily for him. :lol:
  8. L

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    You are special, Fay. :p Wow I haven't been on Talk for a while, but I'm super excited now that AJ's a regular. Lawls, Fay. This ought to make the BC chats much more entertaining. Wheee! <3
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    A Thank You from Eddie Cahill

    Eddie is just a sweetheart. Thanks to all who made up the idea and everyone that participated. I love it when we do projects. I wonder what the cast thinks? Hahahaha. Especially if Carmine has seen the poster for the Peter Lenkov one?
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    Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

    I have the picture in my computer, I just need to write my message to Super-Flack. :p
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    Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

    That's why I love the internet. Here's the link I used to learn how to tie. It's really simple, so that's a plus for me.
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    Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

    I've got the piano tie in my possession and I've got my friend's digital camera now. All I have to do is get a good picture. Oh that's gonna take a while. :p But it's comin'! I can't wait to see the submissions from the LA trip girls, it'll be eventful, I imagine.
  13. L

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    Has he been stealing Eddie's ties off the set? ;) But I can't say no to the adorkable-ness. <3
  14. L

    AJ Buckley Fan Project

    That's acceptable to me, as long as you share the picture. ;) LAST DAY PEOPLE! YOU SLACKERS, GET'S A STEPPIN'! *apologizes to her capslock key*
  15. L

    Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

    Really? Yay! I guess I have to get that camera now... :D