Recent content by lolipopsndumdums

  1. L

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    Thank you very much!! :D And you can call me Courtney. ;)
  2. L

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    I LOVED this episode! One of my favorites!! I loved seeing the different points of views. I think the characterization was great. And I liked that fact there was more Grissom as we haven't seen much of him this season, just my opinion. I also loved Nick's new haircut. I loved the one-liners...
  3. L

    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools Eric in a sweater vest?! Oh my God, that would look so...funny. :lol: Just imagining it, makes me laugh. But I love that entry Caro. :D
  4. L

    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools Yeah, Marisol seems to have forgotten about Eric or something. Last episode she visited Horatio in the lab to tell him she was stopping Chemo. Now, I personally thought maybe she would see if Eric was there and talk to him about it...
  5. L

    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools Awesome picture ThumpyG42!! And it might have been miss-communication between Eric and Natalia, I really don't know, I was a little confused.
  6. L

    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools ^Yeah Natalia annoyed me in this episode a lot. The way she said, "You and I had a chance and you blew it." I took that as kind of arrogant. Like she's the best, of course that's only my opinion and how I saw it. I also think, that if...
  7. L

    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools I'm not sure, I've been trying to figure out who the mole is, and it's driving me insane. I don't know, I kind of think Ryan may think Eric is the mole. They seem to not get along, I know some of it could be because of Natalia...
  8. L

    The “Get rid of Boa Vista!!!” Thread

    I agree, it's like they just felt like throwing another character into the mix, there isn't much to her other then she's dating Eric. *Shudders*
  9. L

    The “Get rid of Boa Vista!!!” Thread

    Wait a minute, she was in George Lopez? :eek:
  10. L

    Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

    Oh, I'm really sorry. :( I changed it.
  11. L

    Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

    I really thought about it and I don't know. It would be weird without them there. Catherine - She annoys me in some ways, sometimes I think she's a little stuck on herself, yet it would be weird without her and I can't help but like her. Sara - I REALLY like Sara, it would really bother me if...
  12. L

    Episode # 411 ' Payback ' ***SPOILERS INSIDE***

    Re: next episode: Payback ***SPOILERS INSIDE*** It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, it had little Eric/Natalia time but a lot of just Natalia. I love how Frank got so angry at her and how Ryan brought up a Mole in the lab, I bet he knows it's her. I hope it's her she seems to...
  13. L

    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    ...hmm does anyone know a good site for pictures with Ryan and Valera? I think they would make such an awesome couple but maybe it's just me but we don't see Valera much anymore. :(
  14. L

    Episode # 411 ' Payback ' ***SPOILERS INSIDE***

    Re: next episode: Payback ***SPOILERS INSIDE*** Poor Calleigh! Natalia should be the lonely one and Calleigh should be getting someone. :(
  15. L

    Rick Stetler - We Love To Hate Him

    My understanding is he hates Horatio because once Yelina came to work with a black eye while still dating Rick and Horatio said, "You ever touch her again, I'll kill you." And then Horatio got a promotion over Rick so that didn't help. I don't know much about his past and I am sure he carries a...