Recent content by loki

  1. loki

    Liz Vassey/Wendy Simms Thread

    Dude, I've totally been away from this site for so long, it's not even funny. But, seeing Liz on Dr. Horrible made me want to come back. It's going around that there's going to be a fourth part, and it's not confirmed that the the members of the ELE will be in it, but I'm thinking if they do...
  2. loki

    LIMS #5: Final Results Now Up!

    Re: LIMS #5: Challenge 1 ~ Voting! I'm voting, though I must say I really hate saying bad things about people's work :( Least: 2. The text looks kinda grainy and the colors don't match the icon and look busy. 7. The coloring makes it look kinda washed out, which may have been the point, but to...
  3. loki

    LIMS #5: Final Results Now Up!

    Re: LIMS #5: Challenge 1 Now Up! Sent mine! I'm so nervous!
  4. loki

    LIMS #5: Final Results Now Up!

    Re: LIMS #5: Sign Ups Open! Oh, oh, oh, I want to! I've been waiting to enter this since like, two rounds ago, :lol:
  5. loki

    CSI Bumpersnickers

    lmao, I've never seen this thread before! Mine's probably been done before, but it would say: "WWGD What would Grissom do?"
  6. loki

    CSI:LV Icon Chall.Thread - Ch.#19 - Sara Sidle ~ Now Open!

    Re: LV Icon Challenge #4 - Actors - Voting !!! Beginners- 3, 10, 7 Advanced- 7, 8, 11 Nice work guys!
  7. loki

    1st Talk CSI Christmas Challenge ~ Winners Up!

    Re: 1st Talk CSI Christmas Challenge ~Winners Up!! Wow, third place, thanks guys! Congrats to the other winners, and EVERYONE! Some amazing work!
  8. loki

    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    sorry it took so long! I've been working a lot... new picture! I don't watch Miami :lol: can you tell?
  9. loki

    Your favorite song of the 90's

    Haha, I feel like such a nerd. I never listened to the Spice Girls or any boy bands when I was younger. Everyone else my age seemed to be into them, but I guess I was too busy listening to 80s rock at the time (and now in the 2000's I'm listening to 90s music. I'm such a decade behind :lol:)
  10. loki

    Your favorite song of the 90's

    Barenaked Ladies' "One Week" takes the cake for me, but other ones I really liked were "Buddy Holly" by Weezer, "Inside out" by Eve 6, and "My own Worst Enemy" by Lit.
  11. loki

    1st Talk CSI Christmas Challenge ~ Winners Up!

    Re: 1st Talk CSI Christmas Challenge ~Voting Up!! Hahaha, nice job everyone! It's hard to chose! 1. 6 2. 9 3. 8
  12. loki

    Who said it.. to who?

    Cath to Nick?
  13. loki

    Stand up

    Oh, no question. As much as some people want to see all the great cities or the 8 wonders of the world, I want to see the greatest living comedians :lol: I would go see anyone, though, as long as it was some form of stand up. Just being in that kind of environment would make the whole...
  14. loki

    Stand up

    I can imagine... I've never seen Ellen DeGeneres's stuff. I haven't watched Jon Stewart's stand up, either. I'm a horrible fan :lol: I would love to go to some comedy clubs, but there aren't any around where I live. I'm going to have a hay day when I move away though, lol. Or at least take a...
  15. loki

    Stand up

    Haha, I wish someone would get me stand up for Christmas. I always end up with Music CDs that I never listen to. Or socks or something :lol: I love George Carlin, and Rodney Dangerfield is a classic. It sucks that most of the really good comics are dead.