Recent content by lila

  1. L

    CSI, Detective, Lab Rat or Coroner?

    Depends on the show, but in general I like the CSI's most. LV: It's really hard to say because I love all the characters on the show. The CSI's are amazing characters but the lab rat episodes are among my favourites and I'm always excited to see Archie, Henry, Wendy, Hodges, Mandy and Bobby...
  2. L

    Quiz Thread #4

    Things with "super" in them 6/22 Internet users 16/20 Fictional butlers/housekeepers 1/25 I was totally lost on this one
  3. L

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    LV is by far my favourite. Great cast, great cases, great science...great show! I quite like NY and I watch it whenever possible. I saw about 2 episodes of Miami and I don't like it. I can't even say exactly why. There is too much action and then there are Horatio and his sunglasses...
  4. L

    Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

    Re: Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread I tried the TVU player thing once, but I didn't find CBS in the list. there were only channels from china and russia and FOX news....but I'm going to try again! Getting an IP from the USA really sounds complicated. I have no clue how these things...
  5. L

    Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

    Re: Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread It was the same when he was in Baden-Baden because of the NATO summit a few month ago....I don't live there but about 40km away...the police slept in the hostel across the street from my student residence and they parked their cars all over the...
  6. L

    Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

    Re: Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread I didn't expect an episode of CSI:NY tonight because of whitsun (is that the right word for Pfingsten?) and then there were even two episodes from season 1 I didn't know on Vox. Great! It was funny because some of the actors looked so different...
  7. L

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I liked that one, too. A few weeks ago I read "The Pact" also written by Jodi Picoult. That was good too. It's about an apparent suicide pact between two teenagers. Their families have been friends for a really long time and they are now searching for answers why this happened. It's very...
  8. L

    Which series had the best finale?

    I voted NY. It was an overall great episode and very emotional. I even liked the cliffhanger, although it means we now have to wonder who is going to die or live all summer. I lost interest in the Vegas finale after about 20 minutes while normally vegas is my favourite show. As I don't watch...
  9. L

    Quiz Thread #4

    Pink or Purple 6/20 Starting with D 13/37 Fictional Places 11/30
  10. L

    Your Favorite CSI Line From any 3 Shows

    From CSI:NY season 4 "Playing with matches" A woman is found dead inside a public toilet Flack (meaning the toilet): If a dishwasher and a port-a-potty were ever to mix it up, this would be their offspring.
  11. L

    Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

    Re: Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread Semesterferien aren't until August, but over Pfingsten there is something called Exkursionswoche at my university. It's to make field trips to historical sites for example and the university partly pays for it. I know some people who are going to...
  12. L

    Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

    Re: Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread I'm crossing my fingers you don't have to do an oral exam cathwillows, I hate them too. The weather is so great. I like it, summer is my favourite time of the year. I wish I could spend more time outsides in the parc but unfortunately I have to go...
  13. L

    Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

    Re: Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread I've got a sunburn too and my flat mate has been making fun of me all evening.The weather was just too great to stay inside and study all day! I'm trying to catch up a bit on my studies now, but I'm not making any progress. I guess it would help to...
  14. L

    Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

    Re: Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread Welcome Cath.S! I joined the board last week too. Yeah, it's a little weird to write in English in a German thread, but it's definitely funny and perhaps my english will improve at last...never give up hope...I'm studying french and everything gets...
  15. L

    Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread

    Re: Spetzli in Oktober(fest) <> German thread Thanks! Great title for the thread, I was laughing too when I saw it! However, I've never ever been to Oktoberfest...