Recent content by lil_janie

  1. L

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Close friend or more, I thought at first that it was strange too, but now I`ve changed my opinion. If your very close friend/person you love is hurt, and you see that they will be al right, you would be out of words, out of it all. I know that I would be overwhealmed. Not knowing what to say or...
  2. L

    "MEAT JEKYLL" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    First I watched the episode. Than I read all the comments. And now some of you will probably hate me. So, I apologise in advance to all the Cath and Ray fans. The ep was good. Not the best of the season, but really good. I hated Catherine because of Brass. I have seen that many of you said how...
  3. L

    "MEAT JEKYLL" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I haven`t been here in a while because I took new computer and had to set it all up (woohoo, my old one is finally going out), and now I wish I haven`t come back at all. I don`t like what I`ve read in this thread. I don`t like it one bit. Maybe, but only just, I would be able to survive Cath...
  4. L

    'Take My Life, Please!' Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Well, Nick-second-in-command is showing more and more in every new epp. I'm not sure if I like that or not, it's natural course of things, but he gets to be more patronising, and that is what I don't like about him. Don't get me wrong, I adore Nick and his development as a character, but that...
  5. L

    Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

    You know, I don't think I like what I found in here today. I don't care about Ray, never did, so he would be problem only if he would become boss or something like that, which is not likely (luckily). In that I agree with the rest of you. Nick being seriously hurt - I just can't watch it. Cath...
  6. L

    "Field Mice" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Such a funny ep. I enjoyed it so, so much. And I was waiting from the start for Hodges and Wendy to be found out as not CSIs but techs. But that went way better than I thought it might. Poor, poor Henry. I really feel sorry for that guy, always end up... Hurt. Or laughed at. But him threatening...
  7. L

    Season 5 Discussion

    Corvinus, I'm sorry we ruined it for you. I like those epps, though they are not my favs, and though, like I said, I'm not a huge fan myself. But that was a good end of that season. If you think about it, about the entire 'road to the end', it had to be bad, and it had to be... Big. I hope you...
  8. L

    Season 5 Discussion

    Well, that season is my favorite. I'm not huge fan of GD, but I like it well enough to close eyes before all the holes. I mostly wondered where the hell is explosive from the dog's box because if they found traces - there should be, but than Greg, Warrick and Cath would have been blown up and...
  9. L

    "The Panty Sniffer" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    While I was watching suspect going back to the room I was wondering how Vartann and Catherine couldn't hear him talking on the phone. He was quite loud and I kept thinking 'what are they, deaf?' The writers do like to make detectives and CSIs hard on the ears, and dumb. If thay were so bad, they...
  10. L

    The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

    Dynamo, the last one's priceless :thumbsup: I enjoy your comments so much :)
  11. L

    "The Panty Sniffer" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I thought the same about CSIs, Wojo, and that was that 'hole' I mentioned. it could be said that they needed them, because Cath waited for those guys to leave the room and than go and take a look. What Greg and Archi were doing there in the beginning is beyond me - did Greg went along with him...
  12. L

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

    Yeah, Nick was great in this last ep. I laughed my... Behind off every time he was on screen. And his 'oh-s'... I don't have the words. He's seen so much, been through a lot, and he's still so... He's like a shy little boy, and that shouldn't be possible, and I shouldn't be thinking how much...
  13. L

    "The Panty Sniffer" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I liked the epp. It had some holes, but nothing too much. It was fun to watch, especially how all the guy and girls worked together. I love them, they were great. And Nick blushing... Priceless :lol: I didn't think he can do that anymore. I didn't thing it could be 'acted'. And yet, George...
  14. L

    Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

    I'm not sure if anything on that site is true, but than again, I've read only what was posted here - never seen it myself. And though Ray's leaving would actually make me happy bacause he never really fit in the team (remember the end of lover's lanes, when he went to get new shoes. He watched...
  15. L

    Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

    Wendy would probably become a CSI, and soon (if the show continues after this, or 11th season - how the things look at the moment I'm afraid it's going down, high ratings or not). There were always six or seven CSIs on graveyard shift. When Sara left and Warrick died there were five, and now we...