Recent content by lia123

  1. L

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    so much sweet moments to choose from but here is my fav of the season - 8.14 - In the Wind - the opening of the ep was (for me anyway) totally suprise. we finally get a little info about what going on between them and i have a smile on my face untill the end :) 8.03 - Bolt Action - the end...
  2. L

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    The finale ep was great...i love the last Scene whent Eric look for Call I also loved the Scene when Eric and Ryan run in to the extreme ep;) soooo....Now that the 8 season is over... What was your Favorite Eric & Calleigh moment of the season? was it the hottie bed sence in 8.14 -...
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    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    WOW...I haven't been here in a few days and this thread really come to life :) so i watch 8X22 great the EC sence in the condo...they definitely living together (or at least partly) i don't anything much to say because everything is said... and now.. I found on YT the Extended...
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    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    I agree with what you said and i also thing that it doesn't make sense after they bring back Adam for the next season to take Call...i think that it is to much a risk for the TPTB..loosing fans of Emily and E/C.. I personally thing that I whould not Continue watching the show (At least not in...
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    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    I really loved the ep...not only because of E/C sence but because of the good storyline I'm happy that jake didn't cause troubles as I thought that would happen and give our Hiphuggers some quiet :) And about our love couple - Hiphuggers sence was more then sweet:adore: OHH GOD - the looks...
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    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    LOL you make me laugh about what you said about horatio:lol: YOU are totally right! If horatio (the man who barely show is feeling ) say it come on eric can too!:drool:
  7. L

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Hey here is some news...
  8. L

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    I found the photos from 8x23 larger than what we have saw...
  9. L

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Thanks for info about the song I didn't know that...I wish they had telling us something - but unfortunately i'm pessimistic about that thought :confused: I will be Satisfied with less than that. and I Totally understand you - I can barely wait a week till the next ep:drool:
  10. L

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    The song that played when calleigh brought back to life is really describe their relationship up to this point take a look on the lyrics that was played in this part - " Of all the things I should have said, but I never said. All the things we should have done, but we never did. All the things...
  11. L

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    hey.. i find the promo for 8.20 in the web if you want to see it... i'm new around here and i realy love this thread and of course Eric & Calleigh:)