Question- How the heck did the Las Vegas Crime Lab win an all expense paid trip to Honolulu?
Answer- They just did. Period.
No, just kidding. There is a plausible explanation.
There was a competition going on between the graveyard shift, the day shift and the swing shift to see who could solve...
Yay Matt Parkman!!!
Henry totally needs more screen time! They can't just show him once then forget all about him...He's a great character with a funny personality!
-Crosses fingers- I hope I get to see him more in the re-runs!!!
I was very, very disappointed...
As usual there was almost no Greg. There never is so I don't know why I'm getting worked up...
my_last_chance I was actually surprised that you didn't notice the hair thing.
But I really don't want him to mature to fast. I don't want to look back on the old...
I'm loving this right now! I can't wait to see the next episode. I'm pretty sure Greggo'll be crushed about Nick's girl. I really hope so. You hardly see any of the field mouse since the seventh season. Hodges is in the episode more then my luffly Greggo.
On a more random, less serious...
Lawl! Hai! I'm LeggoMahGreggo...Thought I might just introduce my self before I post...
That picture is amazing. I'm sorta on and off with this couple. There are moments were I'm like "I LOVE THIS" and other times...I just don't know what to think.
-Throws age out- Turning Sixteen on May 5th...