Recent content by LeggoMahGreggo

  1. L

    For the Love of Henry Andrews/Jon Wellner

    I couldn't agree more. In that episode you see that Henry and Mandy's labs are across the hall too. He probably looks at her in her lab all day > w <
  2. L

    For the Love of Henry Andrews/Jon Wellner

    Henry and Mandy are love~ They have to be the greatest couple on CSI to date X3
  3. L

    For the Love of Henry Andrews/Jon Wellner

    I've been watching 'You Kill Me' on youtube just for the quirky little Henry moments. He's so cute! I can't help myself!
  4. L

    CSI Las Vegas Sites

    Question- How the heck did the Las Vegas Crime Lab win an all expense paid trip to Honolulu? Answer- They just did. Period. No, just kidding. There is a plausible explanation. There was a competition going on between the graveyard shift, the day shift and the swing shift to see who could solve...
  5. L

    For the Love of Henry Andrews/Jon Wellner

    Yay Matt Parkman!!! ...Anyway. Henry totally needs more screen time! They can't just show him once then forget all about him...He's a great character with a funny personality! -Crosses fingers- I hope I get to see him more in the re-runs!!!
  6. L

    For the Love of Henry Andrews/Jon Wellner

    Awwwww No love for the dorky lab tech!!! How dare people not love Henry. Him and his icelandic penpal.... :3
  7. L

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    I was very, very disappointed... As usual there was almost no Greg. There never is so I don't know why I'm getting worked up... my_last_chance I was actually surprised that you didn't notice the hair thing. But I really don't want him to mature to fast. I don't want to look back on the old...
  8. L

    Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

    -Runs in and waves arms in the air- OMG! A Greggo thread...Man am I a noob... XD -Sits down and basks in Gregness-
  9. L

    How old are most CSI fans?

    I'm turning sixteen! But I've been watching the show for five years! (Yes, since I was eleven!)
  10. L

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    I'm loving this right now! I can't wait to see the next episode. I'm pretty sure Greggo'll be crushed about Nick's girl. I really hope so. You hardly see any of the field mouse since the seventh season. Hodges is in the episode more then my luffly Greggo. D: On a more random, less serious...
  11. L

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Lawl! Hai! I'm LeggoMahGreggo...Thought I might just introduce my self before I post... That picture is amazing. I'm sorta on and off with this couple. There are moments were I'm like "I LOVE THIS" and other times...I just don't know what to think. -Throws age out- Turning Sixteen on May 5th...