Recent content by ladywillows

  1. L

    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    i watched "the talk" and Marg is always so funny and cute! what a wonderful body...i'm envious.=) love her!!!
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    Alex Carter/Det. Vartann #2

    i agree he's a good guy, but in my opinion he wants too much from catherine. she's not ready to start a serious relationship, especially for what she had in past. she've never been lucky with the men, so i can understand why she wants to take other time. i know he really wants to stay with her...
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    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl' i don't know where the writers want to arrive with this relationship, but i think that soon it will end... and this is probably the reason for catherine's leaving. but i also hope the the writers will find a way to make sure that...
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    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl' i hope that in the next episode with them together there's a scene where they talk about their future. i'd like to see a love scene after the bed scene.
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    Season 11 Spoiler Pic Thread

    Re: Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3 i can't open the link posted before, so if there's someone who has the same problem here there are the pics from wild life
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    Alex Carter/Det. Vartann #2

    does everyone know what will be the next episode with vartann??!!
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    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    she is so cool! love her body... thanks erica for the pics!!!
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    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    she was so gorgeous last night... i love her!! but i'm so sad, i hoped a lot she didn't say she's leaving but.... csi will not the same withou her! i'm crying!
  9. L

    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl' well the scene was so hot, as i said in another thread i was not surprised for the way they did because of the pics! i'm so happy for the answer cath gave to vartann because i think it's too soon to start that kind of...
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    Who misses Gil Grissom?

    i miss him a lot, i don't know how i watch csi without him, maybe because it's hard to stop watching a thing you love! anyway i keep loving the show, but it's normal that i'd like to see grissom again. and i have to say that i don't like langston, i can appreciate his work only sometimes but...
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    "Blood Moon" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    wow!! this episode seems so great!! i watched some scenes and i'm waiting for the episode in Italy!! obviously i watched the Cath/Lou scene... it was so hot, but i was not surprised when i watched the way of that scene thanks to the pics! as someone said i'd like to see this scene in her office...
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    "Blood Moon" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    i'm not so happy for the episode with the vampires, because lately the vampires had a lot of success... and the idea of vampires at csi doesn't impress me much... and i remember another similiar episode on csi! that's why for me it's not a surprise watch them! and for sure the twilight world...
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    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    they seem really happy together.... his name is Alan??!! really??!!
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    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    i don't like a lot her dress but i love her shoes.. anyway she's so beautiful as usual!