Hey, WP_Rocks_MY_World, hhunter, I will always be around as Heather/Gil fan.
I agree with hhunter, I was not satisfied with the ending either. Of course, like others will say we are left with many options as to what "may" have happened but the circumstances are always grim it seems when they...
Jeez, this is what happens when you fall in a black hole and stop watching CSI. I should be so ashamed that I missed such a phenomenal episode with Gil and Lady Heather.
I just watched the Episode number 5 from season 9 "Leave Out All The Rest". I had no idea that Lady Heather was making an...
Thanks speed_cochrane for helping out.
Christine_ME, that is correct. If you are interested in getting a group together for a role play you can go to the above mentioned area and throw out the idea. At one time we did have an issue with an excessive amount of role plays where people where...
Welcome natz203 and hope you enjoy this area. I am on of the Mod's, so if you need anything let me know. Charge forward and use those creative minds!:cool:
It seems like ages to me now, but at one time I loved writing Fan Fiction. I was even big in the role playing on here. I am all for giving people congrats and hard work on writing. I have a Fan Fiction award under my belt. I still have my award banner somewhere on this computer. I am...
Just seconding the welcome to all the new members, I am the other mod in this section. Same applies, PM me if there are any problems.
Sissi is quicker I am sure. (Winks, thanks for having my back since life keeps me hopping. I am watching when I have spare moments.)
*Long Sigh* Far, far too long since I have been in this thread and thanks for bumping it back into existence Mia.
This season could hold some promise for some Cath/Sara interaction. Timing couldn't be more perfect, Sara going through the this big emotional, physical trauma. Females are great...
I assume Louise is still going to be in the opening credits of the show like she was last year right? I feel so out of the loop but I am excited about Season 8 finally arriving tomorrow night. Hip Hip Hooray! :D
Torture.....hmmmmm.....I would guess the same rules apply. Got to keep the writing PG-13. Other than that I guess most topics are allowed in fiction writing. Want to back me up on that Sissi?
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix
Don't know if this picture has been posted before or not but it is one of my favorites of Melinda Clarke.
Lady In Red
I also adore this picture.
mrsjrewing it would be helpful if you would post your story directly into the Fan Fiction section where more people would see it directly. People may not pop in here as often. So place the title of your story up as the thread. If you need help let me know and I can move the story for you...
*waves at Destiny* Yeah, when I suggested the game, I should have explained further that the words chosen should be backed up with how it related to Sofia on the show. Such as someone above chose the word intellectual. Well show how Sofia uses her intellect in her job etc. *trying to help...
Just poking my nose in momentarily. I noticed the "overall" discussion going on above. "Formalities" was the greatest episode to view her in that article of clothing. I still revel at how fun it was to watch her change from the glamorous red evening gown to those sloppy navy blue cover alls...