Recent content by Lady I

  1. Lady I

    Episode 9x10 - 'Match Made in Hell' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    First, do you really think I'm that idiot to define my boyfriend and his collegues porters Second, the fact he would have checked him out and driven him to the hospital ( , he doesn't walk him to the ER) doesn't quite mean I think my boyfriend is a porter who doesn't know what to do he knows...
  2. Lady I

    Episode 9x10 - 'Match Made in Hell' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I didn't like the episode that much...I mean it's always the same old thing with H helping the damsel in distress and the usual spoiler which doesn't become actual :rolleyes::rolleyes: As much as I like Jon he wasn't as good as he usually is IMO.....oh well this can happen even to the best...
  3. Lady I

    Episode 9x07 - 'On The Hook' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I've found the promo on yt
  4. Lady I

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    I'm very glad that you enjoyed the photos :lol::lol::lol: it's a huge pleasure to make cap with Jon as subject and I hope for my health that He is not dressed like that on the ep or I could die dehydrates :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
  5. Lady I

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    I just seen the video of 200th party... So I decide to make some screen cap of our Togo Hope you like it ;)
  6. Lady I

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    OMG continuity? where, why & when?:alienblush::alienblush::cardie: I deserve an answer... I don't see any continuity in two people who in one episodere were together (they also made us see Eric's flashback referring to their bad bad sex scene) and one episode later pouf she dates someone else...
  7. Lady I

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Great Zombie thanks for the promo pic oh god is to gnocco :drool::drool::drool: *gnocco in italian means hot*:lol::lol::lol: well well this morning i found the video :shifty: and i immediately created an album with screencaps from it Identical hope you like :thumbsup:
  8. Lady I

    CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    DeaditeSlayer wow yuor icons are so particular BlackFlag great job:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Finch I love your icons the colour the light in particular Nat one :eek: Now is my turn
  9. Lady I

    Icon Challenge Thread - #8 - NY - Jo Danville - Results!

    Re: Icon Challenge Thread - #7 - Miami - For Jesse - Results! awww thank you so much for voting me... Congratulation to other winners
  10. Lady I

    Episode 9x01 - "Fallen" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Thanks for posting Lu... So I must say... Adam capable of collapsing on the floor? Also, didn't they opt for Emily not to fall down because of her prgnancy? And, now, we see Rodriguez collapsing on/with her????? I think that is ridiculous Anyway , let's wait and watch:)
  11. Lady I

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    I agree... Gaga has talent and I'm so curious to see her with our CSI :devil::devil:
  12. Lady I

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    :D:D:D:D I'm a provident person :guffaw::guffaw:
  13. Lady I

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    ihih well I'm 26 i'm safe ahahahah :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: I made some cap from the clip Jon 1 Jon 2 Jon 3 Jon 4 Jon 5 Hope you like it :thumbsup:
  14. Lady I

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    hoping it will not remove it here there is another video from blackeer street :):)