Recent content by Kreguba

  1. Kreguba

    Grade 'It Happened to Me'

    Awesome storyline, good solid plot, amazing character moments. A++ Is it just me or is every Hawkes centered episode (The Shane Casey arc, Help, and now It Happened To Me) the best of the season? Absolutely amazing story line for Hawkes. Hill is such an amazing actor, and you could actually...
  2. Kreguba

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    I don't think they planned for A/S to go beyond the first episode. It was put in the teaser to do exactly what it did: cause panic, get people talking, and ensure that people would watch to find out what happened. The 'more moments of spontaneity' thing has me worried. If sleeping with Adam...
  3. Kreguba

    Grade "Battle Scars"

    Would you consider Peyton and Angell as recurring characters? If not, then Seasons three and four worked perfectly fine with 5 CSI's, 1 detective, 2 ME's 1 lab tech and 5 CSI's 2 detectives 1 ME and 1 lab tech respectively. The problem this season is that the episode either focuses on the...
  4. Kreguba

    Danny's Recovery -- Too Soon??

    Danny being in a wheelchair feels like the Adam/Stella snippet we received in Epilogue. It's obvious that TPTB have given a lot of thought to Flack's 'downward spiral' and have so far done it rather well IMHO. Danny's recovery however, almost seems like a marketing ploy. As if TPTB sat down...
  5. Kreguba

    Claire: Dead or Alive? will we ever know for sure??

    I agree with FreddyKrueger. Bringing Claire back would be disrespectful to all those who lost their lives in the attacks. That said, I think it would interesting for Mac to be notified that they found some evidence of her (piece of bone perhaps, or a distinctive piece of jewelry). Not for the...
  6. Kreguba

    Grade "Battle Scars"

    I keep saying this every week, but this was the best episode so far. A+! Everyone was on their A game for once! Like Faylinn said, I can tell Flack still isn't back to normal, but unlike just about every other emotional storyline on NY, it's very, very subtly done. Nice to see him working with...
  7. Kreguba

    Claire: Dead or Alive? will we ever know for sure??

    It's been assumed that Claire is dead. Mac, Stella, the entire team believe that Claire died in the World Trade Center attacks. Her body not being found means that either she was directly in the plane's path and thus immediately disintegrated, or there were no distinguishing features on her...
  8. Kreguba

    A Lab Halloween Party!

    Loving all the superhero ideas. Flack and Danny as Batman and Robin? Classic! Anyone have any ideas for Angell or Haylen?
  9. Kreguba

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Y'all I was joking about the 'no Smack until the 52nd' season. Lets see...Mac is 45-ish, Stella is by season 52 they'll be...91 and 81, respectively. Ew. Please give us Smack before then!! Now I have to go and get that mental pic out of my brain. :eek: No, every Smacked moment in the...
  10. Kreguba

    Grade "Dead Reckoning"

    Good point. There almost wasn't anything he could do to keep from freezing. I remember in 'Stealing Home', Stella had a similar reaction. The previous episode she had been forced to shoot her boyfriend, and it carried over. Luckily for her, she wasn't facing down a dangerous suspect with a...
  11. Kreguba

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    As much as I hate the fact that we haven't gotten much in the way of Smacked, given how the season has gone so far, I'm kinda glad. Honestly, between Flack's downward spiral, Danny's wheelchair and rehab, Haylen, the Compass Killer, and a variety of other spoiler-ish things that are slated to...
  12. Kreguba

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    I hope it's not Lindsay. :( Personal opinion of actress and character aside, she's gotten enough screen time in these first episodes, it's time to let someone else have the spotlight. Between Sid and Stella...hmm, that's a tough one. Stella got a huge storyline last season, though we haven't...
  13. Kreguba

    Grade "Dead Reckoning"

    ^ T.J. Hoban Here is his IMDB page.
  14. Kreguba

    Grade "Dead Reckoning"

    Hmm...maybe! Noticed something else about Stella/Sinclair. When the final press conference aired, Sinclair said that the investigators led by Mac Taylor and Stella Bonasera. Every other time it's been said that Mac was the leader, and that it wasn't a joint partnership. It's about time Stella...
  15. Kreguba

    Grade "Dead Reckoning"

    First epi so far this season. But then again, I said that last week about 'Lat/Long' :lol: Slightly disappointed about Flack's lack of scruff, happy though that the casual style has stayed though. It's a subtle sign that everything still isn't alright, and a good indicator of how...