I am really hoping that season 9 opens with an explanation of this episode's serial killer; I mean the idea that a professor denied tenure would snap to the point that he plots to take down an entire building full of cops is just too insane, even for this show:rolleyes:, there has got to be more...
There is no way they killed a little baby girl. That being said the last scene is gonna turn out to be some strange dream or Lindsey shooting Shane. I have to say I am hoping for the former because the latter just feels over the top.
I actually screamed "Jake is back"!!!
And may I add, that boy looks good enough to eat:drool:
I have always prefered Jake as a love interest for Calleigh over Eric and after the Eric/ Jake and the special bullets scene where Eric is doing that sniffy, jealous thing he does that just makes me...
I loved this ep.
The E/C scenes were great and I have never been the biggest fan of that relationship. Eric's closing question "your place or mine?":drool::thumbsup:
I especially liked the way the case wrapped up. Failing to take account of an unusual weather pattern that caused large trees...
When I watched this scene I thought the doctor said that Natalia's inner ear injury might have been caused years ago and gone undetected until the explosion caused a serious and palpable problem. It sounds to me like the abuse she suffered with Nick is at least partly to blame for her current...
The new ME was fun and so was Walter. Are they going to be around for awhile? I hope so, it's nice to see members of the Miami crew that look like real people.
We have been asking for more Natalia screen time and this episode definitely delivered.:thumbsup:
Still no word on what happened to...
Just finished rewatching the episode here are a few thoughts
In the beginning when Nat and Cal are discussing why Cal didn't take a personal day to be with Eric Cal responds "I did shoot at him, he was a suspect fleeing a crime scene." The way she says it sounds to me like she and Eric have...
At the end of season 5 Born to Kill, it was revealed that Ryan was from Boston so while I agree it would have been nice to have seen more of him in the present time including him in the flashbacks would not have made sense. His lack of screen time was warrented in this episode. We just have to...