Recent content by kiwifan

  1. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    I'm sure it won't be far away now... coz they're already advertising Bones starting soon, and CSI:NY is usually on about the same time... I'm really hanging out for it! Keep the fingers crossed ;)
  2. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    That's such an impressive list, it's great to see so many, and from such a huge range of countries!! See, our favourite CSI's are definitely popular all over the world! :D
  3. K

    Bring Back Louie!

    I'm just curious to know who voted for the peanut butter option!! :lol: Come on, 'fess up!!
  4. K

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Well, I haven't received any cards for about a week now, so I'm guessing I've got everything I'm going to get? Thank you to everyone I got cards from, this was such a great thing to do, and really helped make our board that bit more personal. It also made my Christmas so much more exciting...
  5. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Natty, she said the Aussie's accent was worse, not the kiwis!! The kiwi's accent is much better.... :lol: We get so many British and American shows here in NZ that I never have any problems understanding any of them! But it could be interesting having a few different cultures mix together, I'm...
  6. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Hey Ranma! Non-US peeps = People who don't live in the US! And I know you're one, so add your name to the list! :)
  7. K

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    What a great idea! I have just sent my address through. I'm looking forward to sending and receiving cards all over the world! It's a great way to bring the whole world just that little bit closer!!
  8. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Hey, good to see you kiwi-girl. I'm not that far away - in Queenstown. I got sick of waiting for the DVDs, so I bought them from Australia on ebay. I have the full set of Season 1 and 2 - I don't know how I'd cope without them!! EDIT: In fact, I've just noticed you can get Seasons 1 and 2 on...
  9. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Hey, NZ's pretty well represented here! Always good to see another kiwi on the board melbel! Where in NZ are you?
  10. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Just think, in 4 more years we'll have to go through it all over again in our own backyard!! Ah well. I can't wait either - I'm trying to remember when it Season 3 started this year, coz no doubt it will be about the same time next year. I'm at the other end of the country to you - in...
  11. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Hey Magicmunchies! Nice to see another kiwi here. Urgh, wasn't the rugby pathetic? I'm not a rugby fan myself, and can't get over how crazy the country goes when the All Blacks lose. Oh, well! Where in NZ you from?
  12. K

    How many non-US peeps here?

    I'm from the bottom of the world, New Zealand. Anyone else from Down Under - I know there's a few Aussies around at least. Here in NZ we're between seasons - finished Season 3 about September, so I'm expecting Season 4 to start around April-ish. Miami is showing at the moment, but I don't...
  13. K

    Why Aren't You Posting?

    Well, what an interesting topic this is turning out to be... I chose other, and most of my reasons have already been covered, so I'll just whip through them really quick. I do still visit this site every day (more or less!), and love reading everyone's comments. I still love CSI:NY, and am...
  14. K

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Yes, Natty got it! Well done. Over to you Natty :)
  15. K

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Nope, not that one either :)