Recent content by KellyGirl

  1. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    Loved the new caps :D I'm really glad the cheery Calleigh is making a comeback theres always a risk in series that the personal side gets so developed that the character inevitably gets more serious :rolleyes: ... am very jealous of you guys getting to see the new episodes :( although could I...
  2. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    Rummy I love that clip I have it saved on my computer :D !! Lol babes I always get asked if I'm an Aussie its very wierd, but in Harlow (near London) its sort of an odd accent London, but with a few letters not pronounced if you get me :lol: ... I've been to Oz tho and I felt the kiwi's sound...
  3. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    :lol: too right Florry 'like a hummingbird on 10 cups of coffee' :D
  4. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    They do covers of power ballads from the 80's see here -> so they havn't recorded anything original ;)
  5. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    Lol cheers Leela shes even co-ordinating with the extras now :lol:
  6. K

    Kyle Harmon/Evan: Someone's looking out for you now!

    Hey guys who is this character :confused: ?
  7. K

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    Frank: what do you mean loose the tie?! H: It clashes with my hair damn it!!
  8. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    :lol: funny ... not that I'd object if it could be arranged :D .... yey for yellow is her sunny bouncy attitude back ;) ?
  9. K

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    Me too ... all gone *sniff sniff* :(
  10. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    Hey Calleighsgirl welcome to the thread :D ... btw I like your banner Sofia is my fav Vegas character too ;)
  11. K

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    Sounds more like Speed to me, but not sure which episode ...
  12. K

    The CSI:Miami Picture Game Thread #1

    Sorry guys I didn't think I'd be right so I forgot to check :o ... I'll try 'under suspiscion' :D
  13. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    Oooops yep :o *slaps forehead* didn't register where it was held :lol:
  14. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    No probs Sara :D ... Vegas is a great place to have your birthday ;) ... do you know why she is there BulletGrrrl :confused: ?
  15. K

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    Oooo yes Happy Birthday Emily!! Cool cake Dynamo :D ... Sara I just googled 'testing her wings' but here is the link anyways ;)