Recent content by Kaye

  1. K

    Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

    Re: Sofia Curtis *pokes thread* I wish we were able to create two separate threads--one for liking Sofia and one for disliking her. I know why we cannot--it'll probably cause more problems than solve them--but it's just hard to have a thorough discussion about her character when somebody is...
  2. K

    Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

    Re: Sofia Curtis That's a good question, WP_Rocks_MY_World. If both of her parents were big time law enforcement people, then she and Nick would have a lot in common. Perhaps she, like Nick, left her family name behind and found a home in Vegas before being plucked out of the force and being...
  3. K

    Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

    I think Nick, being the kind of person he is, will end up trying to bottle up this jealousy he has. And in the end, it'll turn out bad for the both of them (BRING ON THE ANGST!), especially when he learns the REAL reason Warrick got married in the first place. ^_^ I think Warrick is going to be...
  4. K

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    No, it was the finals, meaning that it was the last round. The last round was between Nick and Grissom (Nick had already beat Sara and I believe Grissom had beat Greg the round before). Nick won the final round making him the winner of all three CSIs as the best CSI character. And yet the...
  5. K

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    Hmmm... what amazes me is that in the spider-web pole on who was the best CSI character (out of all three shows), Nick won by one vote when he, in the finale, was put up against Grissom. Now that he's being put against all of his team, the only person he's beating is Warrick. That's really...
  6. K

    Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

    Re: Sofia Curtis Guys... I feel like I can't post anything good about Sofia Curtis and how I love her character in this thread because I'm afriad I'll get bashed... Can't ya'll just create a new thread to bash her there? I waited a long time to post in here again because I was hoping the...
  7. K

    "Bite Me" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

    Yeah... I'm going to have to say "Me four!!!!" on the Ecklie thing. And he was actually sympathetic to Grissom and his team! WOOT! GO ECKLIE! I'm reading the posts about Nick and Greg not having enough screen time and yet their scenes are the ones that I remember most clearly, so that seems...
  8. K

    Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

    I've made a friendship (or slash, if you wish to see it as that way instead), video that Kristen999 posted earlier on this thread (on this page, actually, I believe). A complete and utter slashy video is floating around in my head just waiting to be made, but I don't know when that'll be done...
  9. K

    News Bullets

    *gasp* That's bad luck in the acting world! Hehe! Hall is my hero. He totally rocks!
  10. K

    Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

    Texas Hold'em! Yeehaw! We are THE ship. Muah! My shippy mind was thinking the whole time during that hotel scene as Nick gave small jibes to Warrick about this marriage: Nick's trying to get all the information he can from Warrick--it's an interrogation, and Nick is going to get to the bottom...
  11. K

    Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

    Re: Sofia Curtis I really liked her when she was a CSI, and I like her even more as a detective. I think she looks great too! ^_^ But that's just a really nice bonus...
  12. K

    Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

    I foresee a lot of shocked looks, a few "you're an idiots", and maybe at least one "I don't know what to say to that". And hopefully, mucho angst!
  13. K

    CBS Plans To Create CSI Spin-Off For Cell Phones

    I don't have a cell phone, so... And I've never even heard of this type of stuff till now! Either I'm very sheltered, or it's very new.
  14. K

    Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

    Looks like Texas Hold'em is winning. I love anagrams, so I'll be calling them THE if it continues to win... hehe... THE ship. Kinda clever if you think about it. SPOILERS AHEAD! Am I the only one who is hoping for a confrontation between our two boys about this marriage thing? Warrick...
  15. K

    Shankar: We're Not Worried About Running Out Of Material

    Agreed! I think they sound ready for the new season; a very, very good thing! The time we need to worry is the time when they say things such as "we are behind on the writing"... "the new season is about to start and we have only four scripts written"... and all that stuff. That will be a...