Recent content by karu_mila

  1. karu_mila

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Me too... I'd like some more of the flirty banter and some scenes with them texting each other back and forth. I want to see what they say in their texts... any ideas? By the way, any new entries for the CaRWash dictionary? If you want, I can post up what we have so far... Ooh, maybe a return...
  2. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Talk about an awesome episode! I love that Mac opened up to Stella about his soap derby days... it was probably a part of him that he didn't share with most people and Stella got to see his more child like vulnerable side. How great is that? And the race... I can so see them having a friendly...
  3. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Still, word travels pretty fast in the lab... I wouldn't put it past either Danny or Flack (or both) to say something if only to get Mac and Stella talking about the chemistry they have. Then Mac would have to confess... and I admit, I want to see him blush! Ooh, I'm all for that! It's been a...
  4. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Lori, your icon is so damn adorable! The baby looks like she could be their daughter... *pokes TPTB* They obviously have no idea how adorable Mac and Stella are with kids. *snickers* I would have paid big bucks for that... granted that Stella doesn't overhear it. It'd be funny to see how they...
  5. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    *rushes in* New thread! By the way, I heard that Melina is portraying Athena in an upcoming film... all the more proof that there's no better woman for Mac than Stella. She's the freakin' goddess of wisdom! *pokes TPTB with good measure* So ya don't need anymore viruses, nits, or Gorgons and...
  6. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    I can't wait to read it! I've already edited the first chapter and I'm just about to start with chapter two... wish me luck! I think they don't look into the more subtle signs. They're probably looking for the more obvious signs of affection like hugs and kisses so the only people who can see...
  7. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Debbie! *tackles* I missed you too! By the way, I still have your fic on my computer... do you want to continue with it? The hell?! He doesn't need another love interest! *smacks TPTB this time... a poke's not gonna do it* Talk about an unwanted harem. He's perfectly happy with Stella so...
  8. karu_mila

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Yes! *does happy dance* I was grinning like crazy during that scene and apparently, so was Calleigh... it's about time Ryan got some of his deadpan snark back. It just lightened up the whole scene, don't ya think?
  9. karu_mila

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Well at least Jesse doesn't appear to have any romantic interest in Calleigh... as for the lack of CaRWash scenes, I personally think that there's either stuff going on behind the camera or that the scenes got deleted... *pokes TPTB* I haven't seen the previews for next weeks episode... anyone...
  10. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Hey ELW, welcome to the thread! Am I the only one who thinks that there was some SMACK subtext in the case with the DA? Both Mac and Stella were horrified by the case for obvious reasons, but I think there may be something more. Craig and his wife did love each other but they eventually grew...
  11. karu_mila

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Hey keep dreaming, welcome to the thread! There should be a scene where they're just texting back and forth from the crime scene and the lab. I can just imagine the kind of snarky comments Ryan would make... speaking of texting, what kind of stuff do you think they text about? Well, great...
  12. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    There were so many places where they could have put a scene like that. That would have been the icing on the cake! Not that I'm not happy with the hand touching and smiles, but I was waiting for a quip from Stella about this being straight out of an Agatha Christie mystery. Now I have an image...
  13. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    *does happy dance* We're finally getting somewhere! Mac and Stella working together, especially in that episode, never gets old. All the hand taking and smiling when they figured out a clue while making their way through the traps and secret passages is SMACK at their best. For some reason, the...
  14. karu_mila

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Welcome back Saya! And welcome to the thread Lia... great to see we're getting more shippers here. They were working together, which is more than what I could ask for. But the real gem was when Jesse said that Calleigh and Ryan needed to stop texting each other all the time. TEXTING! It's...
  15. karu_mila

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    She's definitely not shy about showing what kind of relationship she has with Mac in front of others and Mac didn't stop her *take that she-nits!* In fact, I bet he liked it... I just wished that there was a scene where they did a bit more talking and opened up a little more. I love scenes like...