Recent content by Kal

  1. K

    Madison M/ Kay P: Lindsey Willows

    Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers* honestly, this is the first thing i have seen kay panabaker in where she hasn't been some preppy girl. even in the dcom read it and weep jamie bartlett was sort of preppy. i thought that kay did fantastic (although i will admit that before i saw btk i...
  2. K

    The green eye on the back of the picture *No Spoilers*

    Re: What was the green eye on the back of the picture to me it looked like a doll's eye with blood on it's head.
  3. K

    "Toe Tags" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    i thought this one was supposed to be the first of s7 . . . maybe they decided built to kill was a better season premier (which is my opinion, i loved the first two eps).
  4. K

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    hey, i'm new here too . . . well, new to this thread. but i'm in love with d/l. anywho, i recorded that episode and i'm so tonight i'm going to rewatch at and put the captions on and see what he says. it'd be cool if he said "love you". can't wait for wednesday to come!!
  5. K

    Episode #502 'Going Under' **CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    i thought this ep was alot better than Rio. and was it just me or did everybody else hear calleigh call ryan "babe". you know, when he says, "Calleigh, I'm really glad you're ok." and then she says "thanks, babe." at least it sounded like babe . . . i was grinning from ear to ear, it made me...
  6. K

    Who You'd Be Today (CSI: Miami oneshot)

    that was really great.
  7. K

    Black Eyes, Blue Tears

    love it, post more soon!
  8. K

    How Nick Lost His Hair

    roflol. oooohhhhh my gosh. that was toooo funny! i loved it. nicky and greg getting high off of oxegyn - the green sky! :lol: :lol:
  9. K

    If WP was to leave will csi survive?

    it could. doesn't mean it will. but if he leaves for good and never comes back and the show ends, i'll cry. :( but then get over it, because at least miami and ny will still be on. :D
  10. K

    Thank God for CSI

    i wish i had some CSI seasons to watch . . . all i've got is Alias s1. I need more!! lol. hope you get better soon!
  11. K

    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    happy birthday larry sullivan! maybe they decided to put the first s7 ep on that day because it was jerry's bday.
  12. K

    Trivia game

    Re: Re: Trivia game 2?
  13. K

    Something Weird

    that is weird. :confused:
  14. K


    you are lucky, i wish i lived in los angeles! i would love to see them film an episode!
  15. K

    Black Eyes, Blue Tears

    it's really good. please update soon?