Recent content by June_85

  1. June_85

    Michael Jackson

    I have been and still am completely heartbroke about MJs passing. It was my birthday the day before on the 24th and I was having a fantastic week. I had been to see Take That in concert in Manchester and I was going again on the Friday (the 26th) and i woke up at the crack of dawn to loads of...
  2. June_85

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Thanks for posting that video. I loved it. I don't think I ever seen Rory speak so much on film before lol. His voice seems different don't you think? He sounds less croaky that he normally does. I've been lovin' all the pictures also. Nice to see him back on our radar a little bit more.
  3. June_85

    LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

    I am quite a fan of Ben but I found this weeks epiosde quite boring and found myself waiting for it to end. I had guess how he had got his bruises and broken arm so the trip to see Penny and Desmond became a formality and was just waiting for it to play through. In a whole this season I am not...
  4. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    Hello all!!! Has anyone missed me? lol. Haven't been too impressed with Greg Seatons# roll in 24 so far in the last 5 or so episodes. BUT 11:00 to 12:00 this week.....WELL I loved it. Fell hook line and sinker for Seaton's ploy to put Tony and the FBI off. Totally didn't seriously think he...
  5. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    New Rory photo's this way [Link edited out per the poster's request] well I say new, they are a couple of years old but they are unseen. They answer a few questions about the Rory bio aswell Oh and btw Happy Birthday Rory.
  6. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    I have another good source about Rorys 24 appearance. Kiefer told me :wtf:. He wouldn't tell me any specifics he said 'You'll have to wait and see' The cast of 24 have been in London for a couple of days. I went down and saw Kiefer this morning. I <3 him...
  7. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    I'm 99.9% sure Rory will die (all the baddies do lol) I just think Brendan said that just incase he got in trouble for giving information away. I guess we will have to wait and see. We have to wait until Monday until 24 aswell *boooo* we get to see the first 2 hours on Monday but then we have...
  8. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    Rorys brother Brendan is on Facebook and I've been a friend of his for getting on to a year now (I was his first ever friend haha). I've spoken to him a few times over the past year and a couple of months ago I asked about 24 and he confirmed Rorys involvement so I am 100% certain that Rory will...
  9. June_85

    08 Presidential Elections

    Well today is the day!!! Election day is finally here. I'm not American so had less significance to me that alot of others but I am hugely intrested and excited about the outcome. I've followed the campaign avidly for 12 months and have been completely enthralled in it, more so than any UK...
  10. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    It was announced today that 24 would kick off Season 7 on 11th January 2009 with a double bill and then another double bill on the following night of the 12th:eek::eek: Luckly 24 along with Prison Break, Lost and Heroes are aired in the UK within a week of the North American airing (usually on...
  11. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    HeyHow is everyone? Not been around here much of late Just thought I would inform you all. Apparently Rory will appear in the season premiere of 24. :eek: As it was only a few months ago when we first learned that Rory was going to be on the show I thought he would only appear towards the end...
  12. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    I'm near enough just about ready for all new 24. I've just started watchin Season 6, I've watched the first 2 episodes of it. I have been totally hooked since I started Season 1 just 3 weeks ago I've watched 5 full seasons haha. I love it. I love Keifer I also love Carlos Bernard...
  13. June_85

    08 Presidential Elections

    I've just seen on the news that Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant. Not that I'm judging I couldn't care either way but I must say when the news anchor named all her 5 children in the news bulletin I stopped in my tracks. Track, Trigg, Piper, Willow & Bristol :eek: They...
  14. June_85

    Celebrity Crushes

    I've just recently added Keifer Sutherland onto my list:thumbsup:
  15. June_85

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    I see'd this on someones facebook!!!! Doesn't he look yummy? I think thats Rorys GF on the far right aswell, although she wasn't tagged in the picture so she remains nameless.