Recent content by jordan

  1. J

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Hey, all. The name's Jordan. I'm not really new, but I'm hardly ever on because of sports and stuff.
  2. J

    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan I agree. People like that are just looking for a reaction. Just ignore them. Sorry to just pop up at a random time, But I had to say something. :]
  3. J

    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan Aw, I was sick to, Alyssa. Stomach flu going around. It was HORRIBLE. Thankfully I didn't throw up. Anyways, Hi everyone. Not sure if you remember me, But I've been here for a while. I think the last GSR thread I posted on was like...
  4. J

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    I agree, I would really only be SUPER pissed if they left us with a cliff hanger, guessing is Sara's dead or not. Cliff hangers are only good if you're torturing other people with them in stories. Lol. I can't imagine what CSI would be like with one of the main characters dead... It's really...
  5. J


    Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers* I thought 24 was great this week. I think Audrey is brainwashed, and I also blame Doyle for Cheng gettin away. I don't like Doyle. And OMG the Bill/Karen thing is like woahhh. Politics. Gotta hate 'em. If I was Karen, I woulda stepped down. But, I think she may have...
  6. J


    Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers* I knew Audrey was alive. I'ma smart cookie. :] Damn Chinese...they're so mean... Last night's ep was all-around great. Probably the best so far. The CTU plan thingy had me fooled for a bit. I was like "Yeah, Fayed gets away." But then Jack was all "We're clear"...
  7. J

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. YKYWTMCSIW... goes down in the record books that for the first time in almost 7 years on February 15, 2007 you didn't watch CSI at 9:00, you recorded it and watched it before midnight on the same day. ((it's true. i was at a flyers game. but...
  8. J


    Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers* Okay so ohehmgee I know I haven't really been on alot since 24 started up again cuz I've been grounded, but OMG I. Fucking. Love. Twenty. Four. Haha, I just noticed in the post before me "Gray is dead. I think there is a Gray's anatomy joke there somewhere." I...
  9. J

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    haha. **mad cuz re-runs suck on Thursdays** Does anyone else but me think that Sara being pregnant would be pushing it a little too far?? ((Even though we would think it's awesome??)) Like, her being pregnant would pretty much destroy the show?? Cuz, look at all the complaints there are now...
  10. J

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. I'm guilty of just about all of YKYWTMCSIW... ...your friends have all learned not to listen when you begin your sentences with "This one time, on CSI,..." or "OMG, on CSI..." or sometimes "This one time, ((CSI...
  11. J


    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** **spazz attack** OMG IT'S SO CLOSE!!!! I like died the other day when TV Guide was practically like allll about 24. =p Kiefer = hottie. ^__^
  12. J

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    I scanned the pic of Grissom and Sara from TV Guide at my friend's house. I'm not sure if the quality is better, but you can look anyways. =] They look so happy. And me&&Allison think Sara looks a little pregnant. But we're probably wrong. =p But they still look so happy. ^__^ Looking at...
  13. J


    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** Kiefer won on the VH1 Big in '06 awards for Male TV Star. I was like "EEEE!" but then I was depressed cuz he wasn't wearing Wranglers. =[ They make his butt look very very nice. =p Buut OMFG there's like 36 days left until the new season startssss!!! yay. =]...
  14. J

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    For the poll, I voted other. I pretty much agree with theatresporter on this one. He actually was pouty about her running off without telling him what she was doin and what-not. And, as theatre said, hence Sara's "see how it feels?" line. ((oh snap, buuurrrnnn!!! =p)) But, anyways, all I...
  15. J

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. Lol, Shelbers, when my friends ask for Snickers I'm like "HUH!?" and then they look at my like I'm crazy and then I go "oh, the chocolate bar Snickers!" and they all just shake their heads cuz they know what I was thinking. :p YKYWTMCSIW...