Recent content by JLo10131121

  1. J

    Why We Dislike Horatio Caine

    GregNickRyanFan - I agree with you about Eric should have been passing out. It would have made much more sense. The way that everyone started dropping, very indiscriminately, disturbed me (assuming the stamps was the source of the poison), if it was the air ducts circulating poisonous air, then...
  2. J

    Why We Dislike Horatio Caine

    Awww, thanks girl. Been a long long long time since I've even wanted to come on here. And I completely agree with you about Yelina and H. I really thought those two would hook up and then...nothing. There's no chemistry between them anymore and you're right. He changed in Season three or four, I...
  3. J

    Why We Dislike Horatio Caine

    LOL I know right? It's like he thinks his skin is made of kevlar. He CAN get hurt. No matter what the writers like to make us think. And I used to like him, really I did, LONG LONG before I became an EC shipper. I liked him in 1-3, but S4.....serious character change. He just became so pompous...
  4. J

    Episode 8x24 - "All Fall Down" **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Yep, in America, we say 'ashes, ashes' but you're right, UK says atischoo, and it does make sense, as in sneezing was a sign you were getting sick of the plague back then, which is another reason why when you sneeze people automatically say, "God bless you." Because back then if you got sick...
  5. J

    Why We Dislike Horatio Caine

    Thank you for bringing this up. Because if there has been one thing that pissed me off most about his character is that when Yelina was getting abused, physically abused, by Stetler, did he do anything about it? Short of talking to him, warning and threatening him, he did jack. Because Yelina...
  6. J

    CSI: Miami is moving to Sunday at 10PM!

    I love CSI Miami, but this whole season, I didn't watch except when Eric was on, and quite frankly, even those times, i taped it, and watched Castle live. IMO, Castle's the better show. It might be a good move, but even if they do decide to move it back to Mondays I'll still be watching Castle...
  7. J

    Episode 8x24 - "All Fall Down" **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    A little bit of trivia not many know about that little rhyme the child was singing. Ring around the rosy A pocket full of poseys Ashes, ashes, We all fall Down! The song dates back to the middle ages, the Great Plague in the 17th century, maybe even before in the 1300s at the first...
  8. J

    Why We Dislike Horatio Caine

    OMG, those oneliners - they KILL ME. SO stupid, and corny as hell. Furthermore, Horatio is so pretentious and arrogant it's ridiculous. What, he's the only one of the team that can build a rapport with a witness, a child? Really, he's the only one who went to "compassion school" or something...
  9. J

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    SILENTDISCO - Can I just say... I FREAKIN' LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE your banner? :D :D :D :D On topic - I thought Eric was sooo sweet when he went after Calleigh. He knew exactly where she'd be. *sigh* Is September here yet? How the heck did that guy get that gas or whatever in...
  10. J

    Why We Dislike Horatio Caine

    First off, this thread is for posters to post why we dislike CSI's 'fearless' leader. It is not to get into a fight over why he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Furthermore, THERE WILL BE NO BASHING OF ANY KIND OF THE ACTOR OF THIS CHARACTER. This thread is not to denigrate the actor in...
  11. J

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    I've got mixed feelings about Mac and that new girl. I liked the play between them, the back and forth, and I think it's cute, but I like him with Stella more. Dammit, why can't he SEE her?!
  12. J

    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    Couldn't have said it better myself. And hello to all, considering I haven't been on for well over a year. Hmm, wonder why? *sarcasm* Listening to Jess, and others talk about how this site has bashed my two favorite characters and actors, not surprised I'm not on at all anymore. Just came by to...
  13. J

    Burn Notice

    Loved the finale and also thought it would end on a cliffy. Damn happy it didn't. Wasn't sure if I could take the suspense waiting to see if Michael would rescue Fi. And I love their little thing "we're not good at this." lol. so true. THE CAR. *whimper* how could they do that to such a...
  14. J


    Hmm, I think I'll try out SGU just for nostalgia's sake. the prevs looked interesting. different, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. excited to hear about new movies! very cool. and as for Ben Browder, would you believe I was watching Farscape LONG before I started SG1? then got into the whole...
  15. J

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Speaking of Comic-Con....