Recent content by jennis

  1. J

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    ok so im a dork but whatever i'm reading Prince Caspian again just because im gonna end up seeing the movie soon. I'm also reading Candy by Kevin Brooks.
  2. J

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    it's mostly anywhere from 3.50 something to 3.80 something where i am *ouch*
  3. J

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    omg the ending was totally shocking. I mean I was freaking out...mainly for the fact that i am a Warrick fan. I really can't believe that what's his name shot at him to make it look like a suicide. How could he do that? (ok im still venting from last night.) Anyways Nick with that
  4. J

    Where Did You Get Your Username?

    it's my name and my boyfriends name put together
  5. J

    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 -Theme 9- Black and White very beautiful work everyone, i do have to throw that in there. (1) I see that it is leaves, that you are aiming for, but however I am still a little unclear as to what I am looking at. (3) Good picture, however I am not really...
  6. J

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    Do ties count....ok ok, though i do admire CSI:M, i have to admit i love CSI:LV the best though
  7. J

    Renewed/Canceled/Info shows

    Re: Renewed or canceled shows I miss the shows Providence & Roswell a lot
  8. J

    "Bull" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I'm watching this eppy now in EST and like it so far i would go further with this but idk if any one else has seen (or is seeing it) yet.
  9. J

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    sorry *promise* wont do it again
  10. J

    The photos of the day!

    I want to admit I still have a lot to learn as for learning how to host one of these things lol. anyways everyone is doing such a great job with these photos. This photo was taken a while ago when we had little snow than what we have now...
  11. J

    CSI clothes....

    I'm in I dont believe I can buy anything in stores of CSI besides the dvd's unless I ebay :(
  12. J

    Which character...

    i had to go with Hodges on this one for some reason it seemed like something someone like him would do
  13. J

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    as Im aware of they are supposed to be making the trilogy
  14. J

    Criminal Minds

    i missed the one that had the same idea as Sin City :( i want to see it again...but i dont think i will. Anyways i cant wait for the new eppys =]
  15. J

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    I can't wait for the 10th I get to see a new eppy. I believe (sorry if i have already forgotten) they may actually finish the Warrick case.