Me and Stormy
Re: Poll: **Spoiler alert** if you haven't seen "Grounds for Deception
St. Basil's is actually a real place about 5 minutes from my house;) It is for children in need and I know some girls who were taught there and then came to our high school.
I found the episode kind of boring and found myself on the computer half the time. Lindsay and the whole baby thing was cheesy. I did think it was cute that Mac was picked as the godfather.
I gave the episode a B.
I'm allergic to horses and that doesn't stop me!! I've been riding for almost 6 years, I'm hoping I'll become immune to them one day!¤t=Lesson3-6-09010.flv
Me and Cosmo...
They look very similar! I actually saw the movie he just did called Last House on the Left. And as soon as I saw him, I was like "I didn't know Carmine did another movie". But then I realized it wasn't him!
The Greek storyline bores me also. I just don't find it that interesting at all! And IMO, Stella is going way out of line with everything that she is doing and she is putting other people in danger. I found myself losing interest during the last episode when they showed the parts with Stella and...