Recent content by iwantboromir

  1. I

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    happy New Year! Here's looking to another year of obsessing over Gary! If I was on my own computer, I'd be posting a pic or two.
  2. I

    Photo Competition: Holiday Decorations - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Holiday Decorations This is a great idea! Bummer, I'm not decorating this year.....won't be, won't have a home for Christmas so I'll skip this one. If I can, I'll see if I can sneak onto a computer in time for voting. Best of luck to all who enter!
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    Photography Competition: Pets Corner - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner Congrats to the winners!
  4. I

    Holiday Wish Lists!

    I want my house to sell so I can buy the one I'm eyeballing in Indiana!
  5. I

    Photography Competition: Pets Corner - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner I must admit, I'm biased towards cats too. I wanted to vote for all the kittys! 9 5 21 It was hard, very hard!
  6. I

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Just popping in with a new pic of our guy!
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    Photography Competition: Pets Corner - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner I actually had many farm animals as pets while I was growing up. If my old albums weren't in storage.....somewhere.....I'd enter a pic of my goat....or donkey......or one of my pigs.....but I'll have to use one of the pics I've taken recently and on my...
  8. I

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    This weekend I actually watched movies!!!! Friday: Polar Express was on tv, hadn't seen the before but even watching it on a tiny tv with bad reception, it was wonderful. Saturday: Went to see "Happy Feet" What an adorable movie! It's definitely one I'll add to my dvd collection. Sunday...
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Sneaking in with a few pics, but first I gotta say....Joy! Your avie jus makes me melt! He's so adorable in that pic! linkin cuz they won't let me snag it! Here's a freshly snagged one from Oct 30th. cuties!
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    Toss it this way! I'm running out!!! We still have at least an hour of trick or treating to go before I can safely shut off my lights and bring in my decorations.
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    I went all out on my decorating this year....probably because it's the last year I'll be here in this town for Halloween. I had to go out with a bash! (not that I wouldn't have if I weren't moving! Halloween is just my day, that's all I can say.) I really can't see myself posting all the...
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  13. I

    Photography Competition: 'Autumn Colours' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: 'Autumn Colours' 3 6 1 I really wanted to have four votes this time. (9)
  14. I

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    The only time I've even seen Lyric is in that old article about his Christmas traditions. Lyric was about 2 in that pic.
  15. I

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Aww Ru.....why can't I call you Ru? To tell ya the truth, I like calling you Ru, Ru! Hey Ru, what's wrong with calling ya Ru????? Okay I'll behave. Haven't the foggiest clue on where to get the movie, but if I find out, I'll share my info.