Recent content by Ipstenu

  1. Ipstenu

    Finale Movie -- SPOILERS

    Supposedly ET did air the segment on Tuesday or Wednesday (or Saturday) and there are rumors that a certain FB group has seen it. I have not and while I do tend to believe people that they saw 'something' I cannot verify anything. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  2. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    "Dear Mr. Fantasy" was renamed "Long Road Home"
  3. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Dear Mr. Fantasy has Gene Simmons (from KISS) in it.
  4. Ipstenu

    "Girls Gone Wild" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Morgan did not say "I heard shots" she said "There were shots" - There were two phone calls here :) I thought this was obvious. The lab called Sara to tell her about the DNA. Sara hangs up, shooting occurred. Sara calls back and gets Morgan, tells her there was a shooting, please send EMTs...
  5. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    I believe she's in #14. She was set to be in 'around' 18, so I always take that to mean 15-18.
  6. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Jorja is not in Lost Reindeer, FYI
  7. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Helpless? Yes. She's not in "Check In and Check Out" (ep 9)
  8. Ipstenu

    "Frame By Frame" *300th Episode* DISCUSSION **Spoilers**

    Eric is @ericszmanda on Twitter, and yes,that is a very old account. Dita Von Teese made it with him but he never got around to using it.
  9. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Jorja said they were going to do the first 10 episodes in a row, no break. I didn't think she meant they were filming the first ten, but actually airing them, bam bam bam. Since 11 is supposed to be a holiday episode, that would kind of make sense...
  10. Ipstenu

    "Torch Song" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Based on the teaser, the mother did it.
  11. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Oh don't get me started on CBS (still mad since 2003!), but my point was that since SHANE said it, I'm inclined to believe it :)
  12. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    I believe Shane more than Perez Hilton, and Perez was right about Jordin whazzername....
  13. Ipstenu

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Looks like Sparks is for real. I hope they don't expect me to care.
  14. Ipstenu

    Iconic Evidence

    The bullet in "One-Hit Wonder" (lodged in a spine) The blood spray on the wall that wasn't evidence at all in "Scuba Doobie-Doo" The chainsaw in "Toe Tags" The bugs in "Sex, Lies and Larvae" (which was possibly the first time we really got to see Grissom and his bugs) The thread from the...