Recent content by ineverysunflower

  1. I

    Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

    ooooo me loves the pink dress! thanks for the pics blogan! hm..i wonder if she wears those sunglasses inside the supermarket :lol:
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    eekkk!! new thread!!! love the name :lol: *dances and brings cookies* So i watched the preview for Mr.Brooks- seems really interesting. Funny fact: the actress who plays Margs daughter in the movie is the older sister of the actress that plays Lindsey on CSI :D im sad that her name wasnt in...
  3. I

    CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

    i just made a few, im working on using different brushes and i just learned how to make an image 100x100! ( i used to use another program but now i can do it all in photoshop!)
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    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    I was wondering if anyone could name a few episodes where Catherine is wearing her glasses?
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    E.R. - Emergency Room!

    Re: E.R.- emergency room!! anyone have caps from The Letter?
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    E.R. - Emergency Room!

    Re: E.R.- emergency room!! I thought it was cute how Andy Dick was a patient last week. I bet Maura had a good time catching up wth him
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    Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

    Im using photoshop CS2 and im a super beginnger- i was wondering if anyone would answer a few questions for me? Im totally lost! please email me thanks Sydney
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    Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

    Thanks for the paprazzi pics blogan- its nice to see her out and about *squeee* Marg and Alan love! look at his hand :devil: :lol:
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    Drinking thread.

    Drinking is cool. I dont drink that often but its just a teenager thing to do :) i usually just drink things straight and have a chaser like coke but my fav mixed drinks are melon bacardi with sprite or rum and coke. im not a fan of beer but ill drink it if its all there is
  10. I

    TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 7 - Texture - FINAL RESULTS UP!

    Re: TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 6 - Pink, Purple or White Congrats Erica! Can't wait for the final challenge- good luck to everyone!
  11. I

    Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

    cathwillows- those are the pics! thanks a bunch!! and Shane, you just made my day! *drools* I love that one in the red dress and the one of her sitting on the couch and showing lotsa leg :D
  12. I

    Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

    haha cool pics blogan does anyone have pics from the photoshoot from the SAG 2 or 3 years ago....the whole cast was there and the background was white...i remember Marg was in the middle laughing closed! :eek: :(
  13. I

    Season 8: Returning Stars & Show *NO SPOILERS*

    Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show I think they should do one more season with the whole cast and then end it( *tear*) because the minute one cast member leaves, the ratings go down, then others leave and those characters start getting replaced and its just not the same show anymore.
  14. I

    This is interesting...

    ^ heyy I live in WA too! that site said that by 1990 1 in every 1000 people in all 50 states had the same last name as me, Tucker. I guess its common