yeah I was in the RT once, aww I miss the hummer, and H's blue eyes =)
I just havent read in a long time and there are a lot of new ppl in it =) but I like it
sory guys, no pic or video from me anyways.. but i still love you all =)
Re: Speed/Rory #18
I haven't seen "a scanner darkly" I know, I'm gonna, promiss... found an interview with him on youtube.. enjoy.. he's cute :D
Maybe one day the RT will go to DC and then maye I could make a guest appearence with either tony almeida or greg seaton =) me like.. haha great update geni
Re: Speed/Rory #18
calleighspeedle, love that last pic, he's hot from behind too =P
Love the video CSISDFlash.. they are hot =)
I need to see public enemies =) need to se my baby =P
Re: Speed/Rory #18
he shoots the one who's supposed to beat up tony at starkwood
I had no idea he'd be in publi enemies =) and I love johnny so I'm definatley gonna see that move =)
Re: Speed/Rory #18
I thought we could use some neckporn =P
and he lookse good in jeans..
enjoy =)
Re: Speed/Rory #18
Yeah, I've read that he's said something like "with all the cool deaths on the show, why not do something cool for me".. something like that..
Re: Speed/Rory #18
New thread YAY!!..
I don't know what else to say that has already been said =/, "he's hot, and I love speed"
A little tribute to speed that I put together after he died.. a poem filled with mixed lyrics from så many good songs
I will try to feel the way you're feeling...