Recent content by iluvroadrunner

  1. I

    Thread Titles Rules - UP'D 10/01/08 - PLEASE READ!!

    Re: Thread Titles - All Posters Please Read and Respond!!! read and understood.
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    Crossover Ships - Who's Your OTP??

    yes! write flack/calleigh! that way i'm not the only one. my OTP for crossovers is probably Calleigh/Flack as well. probably because it was the first one i ever wrote, and they're just...awesome. these two i could actually see toughing it out when the going got tough. i also ship...
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    CSI:Miami - Who's Your OTP??

    Rhonda, thank you thank you thank you for putting calleigh/tripp up there. not my OTP, but i ship them nonetheless. my OTP for miami, where i've developed this need to ship the cracktastic, is Eric/Erica. *dodges flying tomatoes* moreso for the slow growing girl!crush i've developed on erica...
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    CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

    my OTP is Flack/Lindsay. based on little screentime, i know, but i really think that their personalities just compliment each other. flack would take care of her and she would take care of him. there would actually be somewhat of a balance in their relationship, and one person wouldn't be...
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    Stella/Hammerback #1: 'Cause they're both dirty

    because i write everything: When You Wish Upon a Star i absolutely adore these two. i think stella's the only one who doesn't mind sid's creepiness, and i love the kind of friendship they have. that and i just adore hammerback, so there ya go. :D
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    Crossover Ships: Mix and Match

    you can talk me into almost any ship if you give me the right evidence. het is easier than slash, but i've been starting to pick up on the slashiness a bit as of late. (which i'm also going to blame on you, Rhonda, just so you know.) however, recognition doesn't always translate into writing...
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    Crossover Ships: Mix and Match

    *delurks and cackles evilly* this makes me happy, you have no idea. although 1CSIMfan forgot to mention that it's her fault that i'm writing them in the first place, because she's the one who requested them. :D as for crossover ships, i also like ryan/lindsay, delko/angell, delko/maka...
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    Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

    the pick i posted is from Wasted. He's actually more scared than pissed because some guy just tossed a gun on his desk and confessed to a murder. *nods* it was a pretty good episode. and yes, the voice...guuhhh...i love that voice.
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    Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

    those pics are...guh...and as long as we're sharing favorites, i don't think this one has been posted...but then again, can you really post this too many times?
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    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    *sticks her head in* wow...i haven't been here in a while. don and danny should be a package deal for the birthdays. one maybe more than enough, but the other one's gonna find his way there anyway you might as well give them both. hi! :D
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    CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! *New Deadline: August 28 th*

    Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! **WINNERS** and the winners are...*drumrolls* for the slash end its...CSI_in_Training!!! and for the het side...Lost2MuchSpeed!!! thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners! :D
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    CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! *New Deadline: August 28 th*

    Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! ...i'm making sure i have everything i need...don't worry, as soon as i get a hold of everything i'll annouce the winners. sorry for the delay!
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    CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! *New Deadline: August 28 th*

    Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! Voting will close thursday, and we'll announce our winners, just so everyone knows. but great job, everyone with the entries.
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    CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! *New Deadline: August 28 th*

    Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! Fruit's Supposed to be Healthy...Right? by Lost2MuchSpeed Sitting on her newly purchased sofa that she had bought after the whole Frankie disaster, Stella sighed wistfully. She had replaced pretty much everything he had made any sort of contact with, no matter how...
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    CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! *New Deadline: August 28 th*

    Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! and now for the SMacked entries... +~+~+~+~+~+ Thalena's by AmandaSzmanda “Ranch?” Stella Bonasera asked, sniffing the air after entering the crime scene. The scent was very strong, it made her wonder if that was what tipped off the call. “It would appear so.”...