Recent content by ilh214

  1. ilh214

    CSI: Miami Icons #6 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    this is my first set of icons in a really really really long time. hope you like them. =) check them all out here
  2. ilh214

    6x19 Rock and a Hard Place - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    that was a really great episode. i was glad to see emotion from horatio. that really hasn't been uncommon this season but it still never fails to surprise me. and natalia and calleigh tearing up got to me, i got teary eyed as well. i'm really going to miss alexx, she was an amazing character...
  3. ilh214

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    those are fantastic Hcrazy! thanks. i'm gonna have to find that and get it. and the pictures of him and his son are amazingly cute. that little boy is adorable. i was so excited about last nights episode. when he came on screen i actually slid off the bed into the floor into a puddle of goo. i...
  4. ilh214

    Episode #614 - You May Now Kill the Bride ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    i was really excited about it being back but the episode was kind of boring, the case was really blah. rich people gettin killed...the originality! and horatio only popped in every once in a while to say a one liner. calleigh was about the only one with anything interesting to say. i didn't even...
  5. ilh214

    CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    thank you and of course you may, CalleighD :)
  6. ilh214

    CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    it's been a while but i thought i'd post some icons i've made. =) 57 more at my lj
  7. ilh214

    Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

    yes! i think Natalia needs that kind of mother figure plus Alexx is one tough chick (lest we forget Nothing to Lose) i don't think Alexx holds anything against Natalia, she has got to be the most forgiving character on that show. she's still close to Ryan even after he tried to out her as the...
  8. ilh214

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    98% of s4 makes me cringe. i loved From the Grave, it's one of my favorite episodes from all seasons and Under Suspicion was great before i paid close attention to it as well. I still enjoy that one though, as long as i don't look too hard. the latter part of that season i refuse to watch at...
  9. ilh214

    Season Greetings 2007

    Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  10. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To natalia would make an awesome mom and a really hot step mom if you're kyle. :D anyway, for a man who feels guilty for everything including but not limited to global warming, gang activity and the heart attack of the woman that lives...
  11. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To yep, and now is the best time to have that replacement baby. you know, the one that your first child was supposed to be. since kyle is in prison and all, now is as good a time as any to get things right from the beginning. plus, H...
  12. ilh214

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    john kelly is cocky and a's fantastic. and that really came out in '4b or not 4b' and then he was really emotional when he gave that talk at the apartments. he's amazing! all of the emotions that horatio lacks, john has. if i could somehow morph the two characters into one super...
  13. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To oh, that is precious!!! *looks at icon, back at pic, back at icon, back at pic* they would make the most adorable family on the planet.
  14. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To i can see that too and we should have seen it when all this kyle business popped up. who has a kid suddenly appear in their life and doesn't need someone to talk to? i'd like to think that secretly, behind our backs, she was the one...
  15. ilh214

    1st Talk CSI Christmas Challenge ~ Winners Up!

    Re: 1st Talk CSI Christmas Challenge ~Voting Up!! guys are awesome! 09 08 05