Recent content by Heather_lewis

  1. Heather_lewis

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    so it is the same bench. so where the hell did our scene go :confused:. maybe im just clutching at straws here trying to find at least one thing we were promised. at the begining of this clip E/C are walking together and he mentions that she is signed out on the board. Finding out now that...
  2. Heather_lewis

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Hey guys Ive been lurking for a while now and I've decided to rear my head J I'm in the UK and even though I cant watch last nights ep yet im already really disappointed about them not showing that scene :( Jw though if anyone else noticed that the bench in the TV guide pics or a bts pic that...
  3. Heather_lewis

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    hey guys HCrazy1228 has uploaded the whole show on you tube. part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4...
  4. Heather_lewis

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I like that one to :) I know I'm gonna sound stupid but Its my first day back and things are a little different here now and I dont know how to do spolier coeds can someone help me out please :)
  5. Heather_lewis

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Hey guys I haven’t been here for ages hope all you guy are happy and well. That_girl1, happybirthday!!! Anyone who’s birthday I’ve missed while I’ve been away happy birthday to you guys too !!! Awww lucy cant we just push it alittle bit I like the title "She saves on gas by riding a Cuban" :lol...
  6. Heather_lewis

    Wallpaper Thread #7

    Thanks I'm glad you liked it. I've snagged you Mac wall :D
  7. Heather_lewis

    Wallpaper Thread #7

    Hi everyone hope y'all are enjoying the new year so far :D. Heres my new wall . I wasn't sure if I should post it, cause it's a little anti-Cake, so Cake shippers be warned. Hope you guys like it away regardless :). Putting those bloody flames and the burnt effect on that pic took for ever...
  8. Heather_lewis

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    Heres a vid that i've posted a link to, on here, in the past but i had to delet the vid (cause there was a few mistakes) and upload it again, so it has a different adress now. It's a look at calleighs relationships with Eric and Jake and there is some John in there to. Enjoy =] :D
  9. Heather_lewis

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    Heres a E/C vid from me =] Give me time
  10. Heather_lewis

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    Heres my latest vid. It's a look at calleighs relationships with Eric and Jake and there is some John in there to. Enjoy =] And a early Merry x-mas to you guys incase I aint on in the next couple of days =] Bye xoxox P.S. If anyone knows where I can get clips of Peter and Cal (from urban...
  11. Heather_lewis

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Yay new thread :D Cookies Anyone? *passes a few out* Alcohol? *passes out a whole wine celer:lol:* I found this really cute vid on you tube. ...Cute ain't it :lol:. Nothing to do with E/C...well it depends on which way you look at it :lol: :D Thanks for the pics guys. I really like that...
  12. Heather_lewis

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    Hi guys heres another E/C vid from me :D I wanna have ur babies I have to say I've watched most of the vids that are posted on here and I love them all. Even the ones I don't ship I thought were great; so keep up the excellent work :D
  13. Heather_lewis

    Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

    Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu ^^----agreed. She is finding it harder to remain emotionally separated from Eric. I love those clips, the way they show so much consern for each other is so sweet. And so is the way they trust each other when showing emotion and how...
  14. Heather_lewis

    Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

    Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu I agree with midnight_tiptoes I think its her way of seeming professional in front of other people because things are so personal between Eric and Cal p.s. I've finally finished that vid. what would happen
  15. Heather_lewis

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    Hi everyone :D heres a Eric and Calleigh one from me; what would happen