Recent content by Heather

  1. H

    Everyone's age?

    My age - 17
  2. H

    CSI: autographs advice and how to be successful

    I mean a sticky topic, in one of these forums. Basically a thread which is stuck to the top of the forum, like the Welcome to the Merchandise forum, in this forum... :)
  3. H

    Expert: 'CSI', 'Sopranos' Emmy Front Runners

    Hope they get at least one award... But people in the USA will have to comment on the show & nominations, cos I won't be able to watch...
  4. H

    Rory Cochrane To Exit 'CSI: Miami'

    Re: Rory Cochrane To Exit 'Miami' So it's true that Speed IS being killed off? LV characters have had one of their own die on them, wonder how Miami characters are going to cope...? '.........where there is a shoot-out in which Speed is killed.' - Also who shoots the bullet that kills him...
  5. H

    CSI: autographs advice and how to be successful

    Thank you for answering my question and providing us with the addresses again... Are they in a sticky somewhere..? (if they are not...i think they should be..)
  6. H

    CSI: autographs advice and how to be successful

    I have been thinking about writing to them and asking for an autograph, but thought better not do it now because of the business between Jorja & George & CBS... But what have people written in a letter they have sent..?
  7. H

    Welcome to the Fan Fiction/Art Forum!

    Black Glass
  8. H

    Happy Birthday to Eric Szmanda

    Don't know the one with the snowman... FOR HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW FOR HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW FOR HE'S A...JOLLY GOOD....FELLOOOOW AND SO SAY ALL OF US.. (that's the version I know..)
  9. H

    Happy Birthday to Eric Szmanda

    At least You understood now... :) Thought I'd start the topic as I hadn't seen one...
  10. H

    George Eads Back On The Case

    Yay, the team are all back together. Whole thing sorted within a week.. Roll the film...
  11. H

    Happy Birthday to Eric Szmanda

    On both my CSI calendar (Desk & Wall) say it's his Birthday today...
  12. H

    Happy Birthday to Eric Szmanda

    Happy Birthday... 29 Today...... :D
  13. H

    Fox Returns To 'CSI'

    Yay! Jorja's back...please say George will be to in the next few days.. Good Luck to Rory, if that's what he wants to do. At least he's leaving because he wants to, and not being thrown out like J & G (Which they aren't anymore..! YAY!)
  14. H

    Horatio VS Grissom

    Calm down Ladies.... :cool: (It's only a commerical...! ;) )
  15. H

    Fox In Talks To Return To 'CSI'

    Maybe they provided a sick/doctors letter or sent this letter back many days earlier so CBS woyuld know... But if Will & Marg weren't going to be there, how would they be able to film? Surely to film the first ep or whatever they'd need all cast to be there... And Thank you Kazzy about the...