Recent content by grssom89

  1. grssom89

    House #3: Everybody Lies

    No problem! I posted this on twitter and a House website also so looks like its working!
  2. grssom89

    House #3: Everybody Lies

    Hey guys just thought you might want to know that there is a vote going on for the best SNL host this year and Hugh Laurie is nominated so lets help him out :)
  3. grssom89

    House #3: Everybody Lies

    Personally I think the Huddy ship is more realistic taking into account how long they have known each other and that they are around the same age. Plus the gesture of House restoring her old med school desk was uber cute!!
  4. grssom89

    House #3: Everybody Lies

    Here's a link to the promo for next weeks episode and Ghawazee watch till the very end...
  5. grssom89

    House #3: Everybody Lies

    Me too plus this weeks spisode looks like a great change of pace. It's always good to mix it up a bit :) I also found this over at All House Fans- please get out and vote!! House is up for the Top Alpha Male on TV. It is set up like a basketball bracket at EOnline and this...
  6. grssom89

    Crushes on Fictional Characters

    Greg House for me too! I think it's the beard lol but even though he tries to make you hate him you love him and he's sooo cute!
  7. grssom89

    The Football Thread #4 - It Is Not Soccer

    Fantastic game! Gotta admit I was worried by Reina in the first 20 mins but after that we were amazing! Vidic had an absolute nightmare, Ronaldo was nowhere and Rooney was nothing more than average. Torres and Gerrard...what can I say. If only they were fit this season who knows hey But like...
  8. grssom89

    House #3: Everybody Lies

    Hey guys some info about what's coming up for the end of the season and some good Huddy info! House
  9. grssom89

    Other Fandom FanArt #4-Showcase & Requests

    Mimic those are amazing! I'm blown away and I agree the Hugh Laurie one is absolutely brilliant! Well done :)
  10. grssom89

    House #3: Everybody Lies Little chat with Peter Jacobsen who plays Taub on the upcoming episodes. Not much in the way of spoilers to be honest but I didn't expect much anyway.
  11. grssom89

    House #3: Everybody Lies

    So is there a new ep tonight in the states? If i'm right it's the one with the patient whose symptoms make him like House. This soounds interesting. How will it make House feel? Will he question why he is the way he is? Aaaarrgghh so many questions and too long to wait for the answers lol