Recent content by grneyes

  1. G

    Grade 'Cavallino Rampante'

    With the exception of Adam, none of them are just "lab rats" as you put it. They've all got their detectives badge--Hawkes and Lindsay included. Which brings us back to the original comments of Lindsay being out of place with the big gun. Sure, the gun was half the size she was and maybe a...
  2. G

    Grade 'Cavallino Rampante'

    This episode fell flat for me and I think it was the storytelling. The case wasn’t really all that fascinating for me and the sub-story didn’t live up to the expectations set forth from the first two episodes of the season. Sure, we had the scenes with Danny and the rookie cop, but they were...
  3. G

    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    I'm loving the little Danny/Lindsay moments we've gotten so far this season. It's the fun, playfullness that I've missed since season 2.
  4. G

    Grade 'Keep It Real'

    Even though I was disappointed with a few things about it, I did really enjoy the episode. We all knew Mac would be back at the lab eventually, but they made it seem like it would take him a little bit longer than 30 seconds into this episode before he cancelled his retirement. Regardless, I'm...
  5. G

    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

    Is it insensitive if it's true? I'm a tad sad to see Angell leave the show the way they're doing it, but at least they're giving her a storyline on the way out. She's just a recurring character.. she could have disappeared the way the other recurring characters do.. Anyone know what's...
  6. G

    CSI New York--'Rush To Judgment'

    It's in her reaction towards him when he tells her he has other things on his mind at the moment. She looks to the left (not at him), closes her eyes, says "right" and gets up and walks away. Also, the way she says right. It comes out rather short and in one breath. Perhaps, if they'd had...
  7. G

    Grade 'Rush to Judgment'

    The episode needed more Flack, for sure. They set us up nicely at the beginning, and just let us down as the episode progressed.
  8. G

    CSI New York--'Rush To Judgment'

    I have to say, I don't think Angell should have brought up their relationship while she was at the precinct. I can understand how she would have been blindsided by the information while she was being questioned, but that was not the most appropriate time or place. Flack was right in brushing...