Recent content by Griffon

  1. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe Continued a long absence, due to professional obligations and a lot of work on our farm 'Skin the Wolfe' continues.Considering Season 8 it is now AU, but those who liked the story will not mind.Updates may be less frequent, since I have still a...
  2. Griffon

    8x04 - In Plane Sight ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    The 'Mr.Wolfe'-thing reminds me of my time as a kid, when I was in the adventures of Captain Horatio Hornblower, C.S.Forester's literary reverence to Lord Nelson. It was (ans still is) a thing in the British Navy (don't know for the US Navy) to call the younger officers Mr.x, Mr.Z or Mr.Y and...
  3. Griffon

    8x01 - 'Out of Time' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I found 8x01 'Out of Time' rather confusing. It did not explain what happened in the Season 7 final and from my point of view did not contribute to the overall story line. OK, we learn that Horatio already seemed to know Eric, even when Eric still worked for the recovery company. When Eric finds...
  4. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Thanks for the compliment and I am really happy that you enjoy the story. I put quite a lot of energy and thought into it. The rest will come, as soon as I have a bit more time, when Frankfurt Bookfair is over, where my new novel is presented to editors and when my 'normal job as a writer' gives...
  5. Griffon

    Ryan/Jon #24 - 'Just Take The Shirt Off Already!'

    Honestly, I like the shirt. It looks neat and the colours are nice:thumbsup:
  6. Griffon

    Favorite CSI Character and What If They Left?

    I lost interest in LV around the time when the soap between Sarah and Grissom started. Sarah in love with her boss was slightly ridiculous and reminded me too much of school, where some of the girls were yearning puppy-eyed for one of the younger teachers and one finally managed to get the bloke...
  7. Griffon

    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    This is indeed the mole scene. It was six minutes long and aired immediatelly after Urban Hellraiser on the CBS website, but now it seems that they took the video off. Anyhow, we in Europe cannot watch these videos on the CBS site directly due to copyright issues. And the scene was never aired...
  8. Griffon

    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Still trying t find the famous bonus scene between Ryan Wolfe and Erica Sykes just before Urban Hellraiser that was on CBS. They never showed it in Europe (France) and it seems to be nolonger on the CBS website. Can somebody help with a weblink or a torrent link or the video? Thanks Griffon
  9. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Unfortunatelly you will be obliged to wait a little bit for the next chapters;) We are labouring very hard, building a new horse box, because last thursday,my husband bought me a new horse.....a very cute 3 years old gelding. And before autumn, we want to get him from the prairie into something...
  10. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Thanks, lal! I appreciate your kindly words. Hopefully after the 'heartache' you will also appreciate the more 'stouthearted' chapters to follow;)
  11. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Re: Skin the Wolfe continued: Chapter 39 Love's Farewell here you go! This is perhaps the most difficult thing I ever wrote in a foreign tongue and the last time I did it in my mother tongue I spent 2 months over 5 pages;) I'd love...
  12. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Re: Skin the Wolfe continued: Chapter 38 The Shadow of a Doubt Here you go! Nice reviews and curious readers always incite me to write another chapter. I hope you enjoy this one as much as the others. Work on the next one is already under way and...
  13. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Re: Skin the Wolfe continued:Chapter 37 Twenty-four Hours And another Chapter is online: Enjoy and please review! Griffon
  14. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Thanks for sticking to my story, Skippy! I am happy to read you and to see that you are still intrigued and curious. With our new veranda all finished and beautiful in brown oak and Breton blue, the last thing to do is bring in the straw and tar the roofs of the horse stables. So I will have a...
  15. Griffon

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Re: Skin the Wolfe continued:Chapter 36 The Capture of the Sherazade Here you go. Next chapter is it was really too hot to do something outside....but summer on a farm is still a lot of work and I hardly have a minute to sit...