These two have great chemistry!
I really like their dynamic regardless of whether it is as friends or more.
I really hope we continue to see them interact a lot. These two just bonded really quickly and have great chemistry together (only just got to the episodes where she was introduced :D )
OK your not the only one that loves him without a beard...I loooooove beardless Grissom/Billy.(I mean just look at your icon....*drools*).
But I prefer Grissom with a beard. He's hot anyway so if he doesn't have a beard next season..well we get to see his chin!!
BTW-You banners just get better... I'll go now.
Grissom:Aristotle said something about the whole being more than the sum of its parts. Of course, he never worked in a chop shop. We want all of the parts.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #3: He took her class & her heart - CaRW
Hey guys...haven't posted in ages cos well
1-I've been grounded and 2-I've been lurking...
but I had to say that I looooove the new thread *hugs* whoever had the idea.
Now....I have to there a CaRWash community on...
Oh yeah...I am sarcastic all the time....I rather like the british/english sense of humour....then again I am british...
Ok I'm not sure about this but didn't Dominic Monaghan from Lost say in an interview (I think it was Jonathan Ross interviewing) that he thought americans didn't understand...
Ditto on that I also love Yorkshire pudding and have it every sunday lunch with roast beef.
Well I'm english and I still completly agree with you..can't stand kidneys.