Recent content by Gracie

  1. G

    CSI Las Vegas Sites

    Seattle CSI Do you have a story to tell? Do you want to be part of a bigger story? Ever feel like just jetting off to Seattle? Welcome to Imaginatives. A CSI based role play. Set in the vibrant, eclectic city of Seattle, many lives and many stories are constantly crossing paths. Weaving...
  2. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    Taking another file off the stack, Zoey opened it, seeing more of the same. She let out a breath in frustration. Grabbing the takeaway containers, and cups, and throwing them with more force than neccessary in the trash. She turned on her heel, heading for what looked like a breakroom she had...
  3. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    As Zoey walked up the hall, the direction Ecklie so curteously aluded to, as the direction of the lab. She let her mind wander back to the 2 girls. Letting out a sigh, she shook her head. How is it, she was attracted to a carreer that depressed her so. That she felt so utterly repulsed, and...
  4. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    Zoey walked down the hall, clutching her file between her arm and her bookbag. Passing the small interrogation room, she glanced in the direction of the two girls seated at the table. Two Women across from them. The one girl looked ready for anything. She hated that look on children. Like...
  5. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    She smiled shaking her head. Men! She'd never get them. "Well its a shame then. Ive heard a lot about Mr Grissom. Gone to a couple of his confrences too." She smiled thinking back to how he didn't present like a leading authority in his field, but more of a guy just chatting about what he...
  6. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    Zoey looked around trying to discern whether this was friendly work banter, or .. not. Nick's hand extended in her direction, allowed her to not worry about it. She rolled her eyes. Why were men always so territorial. Especially in their LABS? She returned the handshake. "Zoey Micheals...
  7. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    Being caught at her sillyness. Zoey flushed red. Clearing her throat, she looked over at the man who walked into the room. "Hi." she said, still feeling stupid. She'd gotten caught up in the giddyness of all the new 'toys' she'd get to play with.
  8. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    Turning as Hodges came up to her, she gave him a quizicall look. "I find the ones that are all talk, have less to deliver." She said quietly. Turning as Greg spoke up from the other side of the room. Zoey nodded. "Yeah. I pretty much expected it. I learned on these machines... but haven't...
  9. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    "Smart enought to get the hell out of Detroit anyway." Zoey quipped, before she thought better of it. She followed him into a lab marked Trace. Watching the interaction between the two as she hung back. Cocking a sarcastic eyebrow in Hodges direction, she took in the room. Well the equipment...
  10. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    When he stopped, she looked over at him. Frowning in confusion at him. Zoey started to laugh, then thought better of it. Clearing her throat, she followed him up the hallway. Noting the different offices, and titles on the doors. Her photographic memory would come in handy here. This place...
  11. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    She shrugged. She hated new places. She hated not knowing where things were. That transition time of 'getting the ropes' always left her feeling anxious. "Sure." she said, turning to fall into step beside him, as he walked down the hall. "I mean its your Lab. Who better to give a tour...
  12. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    She looked around the darkened lobby, people coming and going. "DNA, Diagnostics, Ballistics, Trace, and Graphology." Zoey explained. "Im from Detroit. Their labs don't keep the good ones long. The more you know, the better your chances at results." She smiled briefly at his obvious dislike...
  13. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    Zoey turned around, cocking an eyebrow in his direction. That was Mr Greg Sanders? This kid standing in front of her, was supposed to be the lab genius they all went on about back home? God... "Um.. Yes. Im Zoey Micheals. Im here to replace the last lab recruit. Conrad Ecklie hired me."...
  14. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    Hitting the button on the automatic lock of her new car, the chirp informed her all was well. All was locked up tight, and secure. Yeah Whatever she thought, shoving the keys back in her bag, and digging for the ID badge she'd been given. The card key, and the file she needed. Walking up the...
  15. G

    Broken (Vegas RP)

    Hey Hey! Well you KNOW Im in. Let me get some things together, and Ill either put together a character, or take on one of the originals. Looks cool! Gracie