Recent content by governess

  1. G

    "Tressed to Kill" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I LOVED this episode! Infact, I a really digging this new season more than I have in years :-D 1 suggestion? Please do not put any more CSI's in danger and kept hostage...INSTEAD make Greg the victim who is smart enough to HELP CATCH their stalker/insane killer, etc. I know this was just...
  2. G

    Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    I WANT MORE GREG...LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS MORE GREG!! He's the only character that gets my blood pumping because he has/had so much charisma and quirkiness! If Eric SZmanda leaves CSI or continues to be in the background for S12 I will no longer watch the show. Greg made the show watchable...
  3. G

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    If you want to know who Eric is on Facebook it's 'Erock Ster'.
  4. G

    CSI: The Movie

    If they DO make a CSI movie can it be a season finale where they kill off Ray? His character just isn't fitting least in my eyes he's not. He's boring AND he keeps doing things I feel a level 1 just ought not to do. He has a quiet arrogance that I keeps me at a distance with the...
  5. G

    "Hog Heaven" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    It was a good episode I suppose. However, the bits with Ray bother me. The way he shows up to a crime scene was 'roll my eyes' BIG time - brother...
  6. G

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P3

    Hi! Sorry if this has already been shared - but does anyone know if the show is going to continue next year? After this 200th episode disaster I'm wondering if MH GE and ES are fed up making the producers use LF the most. If there is a next season it better be much better than this...
  7. G

    "Mascara" 200th Ep Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Hi! Normally I'm a lurker but I just had to come on here to share my feelings on this 'CSI' episode 200. WHY did Ray's student do what she did at the beginning? The writers seem to keep forgetting CSI watchers ARE intelligent - so why ruin the episode before the opening credits...
  8. G

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Hi everyone I felt the need to write this to all of you because I enjoy reading your posts and because I want to keep everyone safe. It's come to my attention that there is someone out there impersonating Eric and this person sounds like a real creep. I don't know if it's a girl or a guy...
  9. G

    Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #4

    Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3 Hi everybody! I'm terribly new to this am afraid I don't know how to copy others into my post, so please forgive me for not talking to you both personally. Someone asked about Eric's necklace (sword). If you read the Paper write up on him (top sexy...