Ladies, you need to stop tempting me. :guffaw: I have held the good fight of addiction this long. Now I am relapsing. :devil: Must stop before:drool:
coffee season 6?
coffee either season 4 or 5
um hm mmm non Nick
coffee season 5? :wtf:
coffee season 1? :confused:
coffee with Warrick...
You're going to make me think? Not faaaiiirrr!
I am Flash and I will kick your @#$
Kissing in the rain or the fountain, just kissing in the water.
I have decided to animate myself & give my body more muscles.
The yellow hat group :eek: :wtf:
This year I am going as Bruce Wayne!
There is...
Well Ladies, I don't think I have any artful pictures. I figured I would put some pics in for you to enjoy anyway. I need a break from the stress. So don't award me any Nick/George's for a while. I have been way to busy. Good news is the system is finally listening to me and if all goes well...
Good Evening Ladies. Sorry I have been away but my life is now very busy and a mess. Have I told you how much I dislike government people and courts? Well I don't think I will be on much this week either so count me out of winning but I am giving you some pictures. I don't know if I can do 6 but...
Whenever I had to draw people for an art assignment in school, they never had necks. They all looked like Cartman from South Park.
LOL. You should see my Scooby Doo's. I will say he is right. Kids love it when you draw for them. My kids go nuts. They take out the colored pencils and crayons...
You don't need to draw the lines like he does. So long as you are good at seeing something and placing it correctly. Remember nothing is symmetrical. No matter how hard you try. I wish I could draw like my Mum. That is a cool talent to have. She can draw your face perfect after seeing you once...
Well Ladies I am sitting it out. I have lots to do tomorrow. I think I have one though for you Jac.
Unified sheets.
Speedy nice pic! or article? I am going to try and get that issue. As for drawing I can do some because my Mum taught me but I draw my own funny face charaters. I should photo...
Well Ladies time to let Nick/George go.:( But it was great having him. We had coffee with cinnamon and nutmeg in it, heavy whipping cream added. Earl Grey tea with honey. And he is massaged and stress free. :lol:
Now for the hard part. Only 4 of you played so it should be somewhat easy right...
Wow. I won? Really? Wow. Look who came. Well he says he is hungry and needs plenty of coffee and massage. Again!. Now lets see what to do. You know Bookgirl I think you and I don't have enough of those coffee pictures. So lets play this. Find all the pictures you can with him and coffee or any...
Lets see if I can get more. Most likely I have duped somewhere. I don't know for sure.
Second set
Well this is my third attempt at this. All the pop ups from photobucket keeps crashing my browser. I will check later to see if I have the same photos as anyone else. L&L GCW.
Lets see if I can't put some in that aren't dupes. I think I need to upload more. Though I hate to with the way photobucket is.
First set.
So Ladies there you go. Set 1. Hopefully no dupes. Enjoy. L&L GCW.
Second Set.
So why is it I always seem to be without a shirt.
Now I say
So there I was on the CSI Set.
Why look at stars when yo can look at beautiful women.
Look Mom I am on TV.
There is something on my shoe.
Yes. I got it. I will send one back to you in a minute. L&L GCW.
Congrats Jacquie. Well, well, well, making me upload more pics from the ole stalker file eh. Well I had to.
Alright first step. Warning contains Dust to Dust caps!
Ah pretty woman tied up. Must barbecue now.
Tell me again why do we have to have sheets on our heads.
I shall call down rain...