Recent content by glam_chic86

  1. glam_chic86

    Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

    *shriek*!!!! I live in Vancouver & reading that makes me so effing excited!!! My plan is to stalk er, walk around in hopes of coming across Melina. Sometimes living in Vancouver has its perks :thumbsup:.
  2. glam_chic86

    Hockey Fans

    Um, I'm pretty sure Sundin is Swedish & not Canadian.
  3. glam_chic86

    Hockey Fans

    OMG SUNDIN IS A CANUCK :hugegrin:!!!!! I know typing in caps is frowned upon, but words cannot express how pumped I am. The greatest Christmas gift ever came a week earlier! I'm also pumped for the world juniors. GO CANADA :thumbsup:!!!
  4. glam_chic86

    Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

    Boy, that attacker was a real vlaka for threatening to kill Stella. If he had any idea who she was, he would not utter those words. Next time that buffos(sp?) comes across Stella, I want her to look him dead in the eye & say "As to thialo" which I believe is Greek for "go to hell" :hugegrin:. If...
  5. glam_chic86

    Flack #9: An Officer and a Gentleman

    Oh, I will assume any position that Eddie tells me to do :devil:. With those long legs of his, I bet we have lots of options :drool:.
  6. glam_chic86

    Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

    Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel" :guffaw:When I heard she was in 40 Days & 40 Nights, I was trying to remember who her character was & than it dawned on me...she was the character who called Josh's character on faking it. Took me 6 years to realize who she was :lol:.
  7. glam_chic86

    Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

    ^^ Your explanation of all these emotions she experienced in the embassy was right on. She was brimming with confidence about what she discovered than she kinda became flustered when she recongized her attacker, hence excusing herself in Greek. It was smart of her to play it safe because she...
  8. glam_chic86

    The Smacked soundtrack

    I chose the following song because Mac & Stella are both fighting a battle within themselves. They know they have feelings for one another & secretly, they love being together. Than the day ends & they go their seperate ways but deep down, they want to stay with each other... Please Stay...
  9. glam_chic86

    Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

    Stella absolutely rocked in the latest episode! I *loved* the look she gave her attacker as she got into the the elevator. It proved that she's kickass & that even though he got away, she'll still go after him to bring him down. She shows no fear, & that's awesome! One of my favourite things...
  10. glam_chic86


    Out of all the concerts I've ever been to, the best one by far was Duffy, which was two weeks ago. She may not entertain like JT does but wow, the voice she has makes me feel like nothing else in the world existed for that one hour. Plus, she's super sweet, charming & witty. The small, intimate...
  11. glam_chic86

    Grade 'The Cost of Living'

    I'm Greek too, but I doubt anyone will find us violent after a fictional show. If they do, they're all malakas :lol:. I cringed watching Stella get thrown down the stairs. First with Frankie & now this? I know she's mega tough but there's only so much I can handle lol. I'd like to see one of...
  12. glam_chic86

    Grade 'The Cost of Living'

    When I watch the episode tomorrow (I tivoed it cause I couldn't watch it tonight) I will translate the Greek into English for everyone & if I get stumped, I'll just ask my mom :lol:.
  13. glam_chic86

    Other Fandom FanArt #3: Showcase & Requests

    OMG adorable that icon is really, really, really nice. Thank you so much! But if it's not too much to ask, could you shrink it down to 100x100? It's my fault for not being so specific. Otherwise, I love it!
  14. glam_chic86

    Other Fandom FanArt #3: Showcase & Requests

    Would someone please make me an icon with the following pic: Also, in the icon could the words Croatian Pride please be added in. Thank you very much :thumbsup:! A Croatian icon themed would be very appreciated heehee.
  15. glam_chic86

    Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

    I'll admit that I haven't watched the show since midway of season 3 (I'm bad I know haha) but if that spoilers holds true, I will definitely be tuning it to watch the episode as I love anything Greek related on the show. I'm hoping everything makes sense seeing on how I missed on so many...