Recent content by giovinazzo<3

  1. giovinazzo<3

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella #18: 'Cause True Love Is NOT A One Night Stand! Hello=) I tried to sneak in here yesterday before I had to leave for my cousin wedding, but I didn't have the time.. I had pretty much fun, and guess what? the guys that had controll over the music, they played csi ny teme...
  2. giovinazzo<3

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) Yeah I would be out driving, but it's been blowing so much here, it's been not fun to drive, because the wind ''grab'' a hold of my bike and almost throw me of the road so:lol: yeah I understand you Debs, LOL, dunno, but I have this...
  3. giovinazzo<3

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) wow new thread already? that was quick... anyways, welcome to the new members, im Gio:) sorry for not beeing here, all of the sudden school got busy again, I had two big tasks in the run of 2 weeks, plus this big test:shifty: thought I...
  4. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Debs: I tried to do that but my brain would not go on a break:wtf: so when I needed a break from homework I went out to drive a round on my mc:D No you don't say?:lol: wouldn't have taken notice that the fact that you have mentioned a hot shower scene a few times:lol: and I've written a shower...
  5. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hello=) sorry for not beeing in here alot, school got a bit busy this week:shifty: and plus my teacher gave us homework to do in this weekend:scream: and it was a kinda long thing to:shifty: that was just mean:shifty: anyways:P welcome to the newbies:) Im Gio Axel: wups:lol: sorry I miss...
  6. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    hello:) yikes I knew I forgot something when I posted the last reply.. Happy Belated Birthday to sucker-4-SMacked!!! Axel: Oh are you thinking about the house and cuddy scene on a bus, where cuddy does this pole dance for house so he ''could'' think?:lol: and yeah if Im thinking right...
  7. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hello=) sorry for not beeing here much these past two weeks, things happend.. like I ended up at the hospitale with appendicitis, but luckely it calm down and I didn't have to take a surgery, which was really good because at that day it was less than 6days to my drive up to MC.. (had my drive up...
  8. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    *runs in and slides on her knees* looks around* uups, sorry:P hey ya'll:D Im a little hyper *hint to a small warning here*:lol: I've started school again yesterday, High school (woo:P) I ended up in a class which is nice, we're 15 persons, and it's only 1 boy in my class:lol:(rest is girls)...
  9. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    hey ya'll:D Two days ago, when me and my friend were walking around in a shopping center here, I somehow managed to end up talking about Mac and Stella with some random lady:lol: she was a bit not into the idea about Mac and Stella together, but as we talked I think I manage to convert her...
  10. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Okey just my guttery-mind came up with something when I read about this thing... Can't remember where but somewhere they have come up with this bikini that dissapear after a few seconds in the water.. (and it's here the guttery mind comes in:lol:) What if Mac and Stella are somewhere and the...
  11. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hey Ya'll:D reason why I haven't been in so much these past days, I've been thinking about the MC (motorcycle) theory test so much.. yesterday I was a nerv-wreck, not even watching csi:ny with smacked moments got me happy.. Took it again today, and I stood:D**does a happy dance** man what a...
  12. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    *yawns* Hello:) Debs: Are you thinking about 'For you, I will'?? if so, then it's not that one:P I started on a (kinda) one-shot, shower story, after Axel read it, and said she liked it, Im gonna send it to my beta and post in on MT333: I read the story in the link, but didn't...
  13. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hey Ya'll:D Miyu: Lmao!:lol: that's more the thrut:guffaw: Debs: :guffaw: Stella in ''the nun'' outfit.. Yeah I agree he should relax a bit, 'cause when he wears a plain shirt, that's hot:drool: Somehow I like Mac more with light colored shirts, like light blue and that:Phe looks...
  14. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hey Ya'll:D Miyu: I would be blushing to... and we aren't obsessed much, just pretty much highly dedicated fans:D:lol: who might go a bit gutter-minded from time to time *cough*:lol: Debs: And I who tried to keep out of the gutter today*sigh*:guffaw:*goes down in the gutter* I can soo...
  15. giovinazzo<3

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    hey ya'll first off, welcome to ShippyAngel and Cyn-B-Demented:) Im Gio. Axel: Of course I saw the scene:devil: and my god, if that would/will happend with Mac and Stella, I'd probably be in the ER or something:lol: because that scene was just plain hot:devil: I think they have locks, hope...