Recent content by GilGrissomCSI

  1. G


    Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'll be staying long. Just popping in, seeing if there's any familiar faces. I do remember you, though.
  2. G


    I recognize very few names now. Apparently I've been gone longer than I thought. *shrinks back into shadows*
  3. G

    Wii love the neXt gen3ration!

    Without hesitation, I answer PSP. Here's why: As a PSP owner myself, obviously I would be at least somewhat biased. But I am also an avid Nintendo fan, and I just don't think they performed up to par with the DS. There clearly should have been no competition between the two. Yes, the DS does...
  4. G

    Wii love the neXt gen3ration!

    Aight, cool. In other news: Has anyone here actually played the new Zelda? I heard the third dungeon is really hard. I'd also like to know if Red Steel and Resistance: Fall of Man is any good.
  5. G

    Wii love the neXt gen3ration!

    This is mainly the reason for the somewhat lower Next Gen console sales. They're getting so high tech and so advanced that frankly, they're leaving the gamers behind. Sure, the features on the Wii and PS3 are phenomenal and very appealing, but it's just so goddamn expensive. I love games...
  6. G

    Wii love the neXt gen3ration!

    New Features for the PS3: -The new SIXAXIS controllers, which have some motion sensing abilities, and are completely wireless with no delays. -Completely internal memory. For $500 you get 40 Gigabytes, and for $600 you get 60 Gigabytes. -Completely new system interface from which to buy movies...
  7. G

    Wii love the neXt gen3ration!

    Oh, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess looks like GOD. I'm getting my Wii sometime in the next week, and I'll be getting that and Red Steel. Both look amazing, if you ask me. Red Steel has been getting less-than-stellar reviews, but I think it's worth a look, and LoZ has been getting excellent...
  8. G

    Wii love the neXt gen3ration!

    Yes, it is the partial return of GilGrissomCSI. Try not to get too excited. If you watch the show "Bones", and post on Fox's Bones forum, you have probably already seen this because I posted it there too. And no, my mind has not all of a sudden gone to spelling and grammatical errors...I'm...
  9. G

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    Eh, I was just scrolling through my old bookmarks and stumbled across this place again. I thought I'd start dropping by now and again. It won't be a regular thing, but once and awhile I'll be lurking around in the shadows. ;)
  10. G

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    I find it odd and slightly depressing that I barely recognize anyone here. Where is Kazzy? Awesomeredhead? Destiny?
  11. G

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: I came back to TalkCSI for a minute. Down: I came back to TalkCSI for a minute. Ch'yeah. You know you all totally missed me.
  12. G

    Bones *Spoilers*

    Re: Bones It's set in Chicago? And you live here too?! :eek:
  13. G

    Bones *Spoilers*

    Re: Bones Yes, new episode this week.
  14. G

    Bones *Spoilers*

    Re: Bones If you guys noticed during the interrogation scene, Booth kept stepping between the Internet guy and Brennan...I think the alpha wolf has already staked claim on that female, Internet guy. :p
  15. G

    Bones *Spoilers*

    Re: Bones Last night's episode was AWESOME. I loved the Booth/Brennan 'chemistry' in this episode. Booth was all protective of her for like, the whole episode. :lol: The rockout scene was awesome, and I only wish I could give Booth a hug like Brennan got to at the end. :p