Recent content by GeekLove<3

  1. GeekLove<3

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    I'm just so I can't even explain! So I'll just copy and paste what I wrote somewhere else, on here. OMFG that episode was amazing! The ending killed me. I didn't know whether I should cry or squee! It just made me want Grissom back so much more. I know he isnt coming back...
  2. GeekLove<3

    "The Two Mrs. Grissoms" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Because this episode has Grissom's mother and Grissom's ex-girlfriend, I think it's only right to have Grissom himself in the episode. I'm very excited for GSR. I'm not ashamed to admit that's the only reason I'm tuning in. "We love each other, we're a family.." aahhh :adore: Hurry up Thursday!
  3. GeekLove<3

    "The Two Mrs. Grissoms" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I am SO EXCITED! <3 I don't give a crap if Grissom is in the episode via Skype...he's in it and that's all that matters! :D I haven't seen CSI since Grissom left, though I did watch the episode when Sara came back..I haven't been this excited to see an episode since....probably season 7...
  4. GeekLove<3

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    I can't wait to see that episode. I haven't actually watched CSI since the episode Grissom left, so this is exciting!
  5. GeekLove<3

    Who misses Gil Grissom?

    I didn't say all fans. Fans of GSR. :rolleyes: I think there was no hot scene because it would have been out of character for both of them. As for Cath and the other guy, Catherine was once a stripper, so it's not as OOC. People either love GSR or hate it, there's no medium. No one said...
  6. GeekLove<3

    Who misses Gil Grissom?

    I really can't stand CSI without him. CSI is NOT CSI without Grissom. Some shows can handle a character replacement, but this show couldn't. CSI grew on fans not just because of the crime scenes, but because of the characters and their developments with each other and themselves. When someone...
  7. GeekLove<3

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    I really want a geek baby, lol I've wanted one for years now. If the writers don't give us a baby, they could always do a pregnancy scare for Sara. Or a legit pregnancy, but Sara miscarries. I just want the writers to show us how GSR really feel about children. I know Sara would be scared to...
  8. GeekLove<3

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    I love the idea of them having a baby. They aren't too old as some might say if they end up pregnant. I've always wanted a Geek Baby for them. That child would be one smart son-of-a-gun. I'd want them to have a little girl, I've always pictured that. :) Aww can you imagine?! <3 Hopefully...
  9. GeekLove<3

    Signature Banner Challenge - #26 - LV- In The Lab - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge - #22 - LV: The "Eyes" Have It! - Votin They all look great! :) Beginner: 08 03 01 Advanced: 07 08 06
  10. GeekLove<3

    CSI: Movie, What do you wanna see? *Spoilers*

    This is what I'd like to see, and I'm biased because I prefer the older seasons 1-7 over the newer seasons. - I want just the original cast. Griss, Cath, Sara, Greg, Nick and possibily some mentions of Warrick. I wouldn't mind seeing Ecklie, Labrats and Doc obviously. I dont even want Langston...
  11. GeekLove<3

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    I didn't expect anything to be brought up last night, but I always get my hopes up. I think it's an old habit because all I used to anticipate for was the GSR. And I pretty much expect there to be some kind of hint, touch, conversation for them since that's the way it's been since season 1-9...
  12. GeekLove<3

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Heck, I'd be content just seeing a picture of their ceremony. Surely Sara carries a small memory of their wedding around right? (Other than the ring.) I'd love to see where she's living right now too. Is she living in their old apartment? If so, it'd be awesome if we could see her with Hank in...
  13. GeekLove<3

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    School and working.:scream: I'd be on here more if my hours weren't so bizarre.:shifty: I wish we'd at least get a phone call between Griss and Sara. That couldn't be that hard to do; just have Sara talking., then maybe updating the team about him. But that's what the fics are for I...
  14. GeekLove<3

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    I can see a case bringing Grissom back. I can see it now, when he shows up in the breakroom, Sara turns around and see's him and she lights up, then we get another kiss. :adore: And oh my, if we got a breakfast scene with the team I'd be the happiest girl. I miss the them all together; with...
  15. GeekLove<3

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #35 - Results

    Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #34 - Christmas - Now Open! Yeah, that'd be great. :)