Recent content by Fwuzzfwuzz

  1. F

    Grade 'Do or Die'

    Eh, C for me - the episode was okay but there was just a real mess of a story. It flowed in some parts and other parts just seemed so inconsequential. I felt like I was watching an episode of gossip girl. I really like Jo, she seems to be the constant life of the party and even makes bad...
  2. F

    Grade 'Justified'

    I really liked this episode. A good use of all characters. It was interesting to see the dynamic between Jo and Mac when Mac is about to do something stupid. Jo just keeps on getting cuter and cuter. I love her southern accent and how she doesn't take any crap. Adam is cute as alway, I...
  3. F

    Grade 'Unfriendly Chat'

    I really liked this episode, mainly beause I've been moaning and begging for an adam episode for ages. AJ is such a good crier, he really draws you in. I like the story and me and my sister were appopriately jealous of just how pretty the starting girl was. I felt that flack was just an extra...
  4. F

    Grade 'The 34th Floor'

    Charles and Harriett, and yeah Adam has alluded about 3-4 times that his dad isn't a nice fellow. Speakin of Charles, there's this totally creepy dude in my college chemistry class. His name is charles and he's like 50 and sits next to me, hovers over me, and takes my papers, touching my hands...
  5. F

    Grade 'The 34th Floor'

    I like this episode pretty well. I mean the crime was pretty meh, it wasn't very interesting - pretty average but the character and team moments sold it to me. Being such a HUGE Adam fan, I squealed for the tinsiest little back story. We finally know the naaaaames of his parents! You know how...
  6. F

    What was your favorite episode of season six?

    Hmmmm, I like a few episodes but overall I was pretty disappointed with this season. They didn't give Adam a SINGLE storyline this season. It was just pathetic. They treated him as a side character - ugh, so annoying. Anyways - I liked Cuckoo's Nest because it was intense. I actually was...
  7. F

    Grade 'Vacation Getaway'

    I wouldn't call it horrible but I was reaaaallly bored. This whole episode just didn't feel like a finale. I actually fell asleep for like 5 minutes. So many scenes were just really long, mundane day to day stuff that even when I did feel a little suspense it was tempered by these scenes. It...
  8. F

    Grade 'Point of View'

    I was laughing at the chase scene at the beginning. I don't know I found it ridiculously hillarious seeing a guy running at breakneck speed down the stairs and Mac leisurely asscending down a rickety elevator. Love Adam, just love him. He's so cute having the attention span of a kid with...
  9. F

    Grade 'Unusual Suspects'

    Really loved this episode. It had a lot surprises. Both bad guys were idiots and annoying which made me happy. I've had enough of the dual layer - they have a reason to be bad, bad guys. These guys were cut and dry. The bus coming from nowhere caught me by surpise and I was a bit squeamish...
  10. F

    Grade 'Redemptio'

    Lol Elwood. You're Hillarious. ^.^ I actually enjoyed this episode. When I read the description - I didn't think I was going to like it that much because it seemed off the wall. I mean it was off the wall when watching it but it was just purely fun. I really like the Perrineau (Sp??) guy...
  11. F

    Grade 'Rest in Peace, Marina Garito'

    Liked it in some area and hated it in others. I liked how they had the whole team here. It's nice to have them all be together in an episode. I liked the scenes with Mac and Aubrey even though her coming in with the clothes just seems too coincidental. I definitely found it funny when...
  12. F

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    Yes, I totally have noticed. I don't like it at all. It's one thing to get a little more mature but for some reason if they have him in an episode they give him a couple wisecracks and that's it. They haven't had him show off his smarts in a long time. It's annoying. Their using him as filler...
  13. F

    Grade 'Pot of Gold'

    I gave this episode an A-. On a case standpoint it was pretty cut and dry. I wasn't suprised at any point. The minute the guy said cop I knew it probably was a security guard uniform. So meh. The reason my grade is so high is because it really is nice to have EVERYONE in an episode. The...
  14. F

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    I agree. First pic is soo cute! I love his outfit in the last pic.
  15. F

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    Yeah, Haylen was really written in badly. Adam is too much of a fan favorite to have a charater make him look stupid. Kendall had a better introduction. The scene where she's eating the chocolate was so cute even though he looked ridiculous in front of Mac. haha But it wasn't a professional...