Recent content by Frosch

  1. F

    Finale Movie -- SPOILERS

    Thanks for posting the video. Finally some juicy info as to what Grissom has been doing the last few years. I love it!
  2. F

    Grissom and Sara #36 A Love Story

    It’s one of the things that has me optimistic, the fact that these aren’t the same writers that screwed up but Zuiker and Rambo. Especially Rambo who could write so beautifully for GSR. I am deliberately focusing on all the positive things and excluding all the negative things;) I think the...
  3. F

    Grissom and Sara #36 A Love Story

    Always happy to see a new post in this thread:) The main reason I’d rather have the movie start with Grissom and Sara already reunited is to not waste any precious time. Since we only get 2 hours (less if you take into account the number of ads we’ll get), I want to see as much of happy Griss...
  4. F

    Season 16 ?

    Only if you assume that the movie picks up where the season finale ended. In my imagination the movie takes place some time after the events of the season finale, maybe one or two years afterwards. Finn doesn't neccessarily appear in the movie. It could be mentioned in passing that she has...
  5. F

    Grissom and Sara #36 A Love Story

    I pretty much feel the same way as all of you and in particular with what Jafox said about Grissom’s exit arc being destroyed and disrespected. It always bothered me to no end that despite WP so graciously bringing JF back to share in his exit and thereby giving both their fans a dream ending...
  6. F

    "The End Game" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    My computer must be a piece of crap too because my screen froze after clicking on the link! Sooo, Sara mentions Grissom does she?
  7. F

    "The End Game" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I just hope that ending the season on a cliff hanger doesn’t end up being the ultimate act of arrogance on the part of the CSI decision makers. Cliff hangers rarely deliver these days anyway and considering CSI, assuming the show is renewed for a final shortened season and scheduled as a mid...
  8. F

    Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

    You nailed it. I may have said that I’d watch again if they fix GSR but the sad truth is I have trouble reconciling the Grissom of my memory with the present day version of Sara or Robosara as I call her. I realize CSI has been having to scrimp and save these past couple of years which is why...
  9. F

    Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

    I haven't watched an episode since FGMN and won't until they fix GSR. Buut, if they do fix GSR I will go back and watch every episode I missed:)
  10. F

    Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

    Without asking you to give anything away, I must ask - did this episode give you hope that GSR might be fixed? I am assuming you are still a GSR fan? I am dying to know if I am the only one who felt a jolt of optimism. I haven't seen the episode but someone posted a Sara Quote that made me wonder.
  11. F

    Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

    If not that, I expect there will be one scene with her grinding up against one of the dancers! Is anyone else wondering if the timing of the upcoming episode 'Bad Blood' might be slightly unfortunate considering the current Ebola outbreak?
  12. F

    Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

    Re: Season 15 Spoiler Lab Pics and Discussion I agree about Greg and Nick but no way does that apply to Sara. Her past has been covered in great detail over the years. Plus, I think the current writers have mucked up her character enough over the last year and a half, they should leave well...
  13. F

    Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

    Re: Season 15 Spoiler Lab Pics and Discussion That made me laugh out loud!!:lol: I choose to believe the title is a ‘red herring’ and literally will be about college students ‘going wild’ and have nothing to do with the CSI women getting involved in murder and mayhem during a weekend...
  14. F

    Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

    Re: Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion I thought DB was originally from Seattle and only moved to Vegas a couple of years ago? If he brought down this serial killer years ago wouldn't he be imprisoned in Seattle? Or have the writers already rewritten DB's history and made him a Vegas born and...
  15. F

    CSI to Sundays

    I am curious about one thing. Saying, for argument’s sake, that CSI will have a full season of 22 episodes which will air nonstiop from mid September onward with no break for the xmas/new year holidays, their season would end sometime in February. If I recall correctly filming for the new season...