I agree about the first scene bit, but it to me it sounded more like he was suffering from a sore throat. Lol. Talk about analysing too much. XD
Anyways, as much as it would've been fun to watch Greg on the dinosaur case but I was extremely glad to have him on a more emotional case. Like Greg...
Well, my apologies if my post was interpreted such as that. =) What I meant that with "viewers are glad for that" bit, was meant as character involvement as a whole. Like Sara with Nick, Ray and Catherine or whatever mix there might be and not just a Nick and Greg duo. Like Demonic DJ has...
As capable as Nick is in handling cases such this and even though has has done it before, doesn't mean it has to repeated. Besides, it's not the Nick Stokes show, and Greg and Nick have a wonderful camaraderie thanks to the real life friendship Eric and George have. Each of the characters bring...
For the whole Greg-with-a-gun mystery? Here are two snapshots and a promo shot.
Promo shot released by CBS for 'Cold Blooded' - Shows the scene with Greg and the gun running behind Reed. Clearly shows each having their own weapon. Also, if you look really closely under Greg's right elbow, seems...
This week's episode was generally really good. It feels like the old CSI again somewhat. Two cases that are not related and with a rather impactful effect. Also, Greg in the last scene was touching and that's something we certainly don't see a lot.
As for Greg and the gun, TPTB decided to edit...
That and also the fact that he's 35 and not 25 anymore. =) I mean, as much as I love his crazy hair days and how he inspired so many students to study science and made the subject oh-so-much-cooler, but I'm also extremely glad he "grew up". And besides, he looks just as good as he did 11 years...
I'm leaning towards it *not* being a training session. Probably due to the lack of protective gear they usually do wear when training (remember 'No Way Out' with the vest, goggles, and etc?) and also in another photo released for this ep, Katee's character tackles a guy down. However, I have...
Overall, it was a very well balanced episode without any one of the characters taking centre stage too much. Although Sara did have a little more focus, but it wasn't in-your-face-character-attention.
I felt that for once in a very long time, they've finally found a nice share of character-use...
But I'm squeeing on the adorableness of the character. Hahaha... okay, so this is my first time stumbling on this game.
There goes my whole day of productivity. XD
Not only that pictures on the spoiler pic thread, but the artwork for the Facebook game (CSI: Crime City). They did caricatures of the CSI: LV cast and Greg is seriously cute. You can see a shot of those under the CSI Files news bulletin.
Didn't think of it that way. If it's true, then maybe--just maybe--someone in TPTB is noticing just how much Langston is being sold to be a forensic prodigy.
Greg mentions the baldness bit in 'Butterflied'. He also says that baldness comes from his mother's side making Papa Olaf his maternal grandfather. So far, the writers have only mentioned Greg's father once.
Oh, and for the sake of the spoiler free, you might want to put any references to...
But I found it interesting that that's what Papa Olaf chooses to call him by and not Greg. Wouldn't it be funny to be calling your grandson by your own last name? Still... it was nice to find out something about him and Papa Olaf.