Recent content by FoxRox

  1. F

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It Sara was always at her best with Nick. Grissom was just bad news for her all through the years. Of course for WP it was a plus to get together w the young hot girl on the he pulled for the ship. For JF that ship did nothing...
  2. F

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It Aww Sidle my Idol don´t be upset! Thanks for supporting Snickers. It was just that we already got 3 messages like that on the previous page. Not your fault. I´m loving the spoilers for A la Cart! My guess is: - The kidnapping is a...
  3. F

    "A La Cart" Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*

    My god! If Grissom had a thing with Sara back when she was his student he´s broken protocol not once, but twice! What a hypocrite Grissom´s been going on to the others-like Cath and Nick- how they shouldn´t date or get personally involved. Ecklie really should fire Grissom or at least demote...
  4. F

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It They said we should send flyers to CBS with a dollarbill print I think. I may just send a letter with a snickers wrapping. After Dead Doll some people are asking for earlier signs of Snickers. As if Dead Doll was the first snicky ep...
  5. F

    "A La Cart" Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Yes I´d love a triangle with Nick- or anything to break up the GSR. As a huge Sara fan I don´t think GSR did much for her character development. Also I think Nick proved he´s more worthy of Sara than Grissom in Dead Doll. I hope Sara learns who really saved her in A la Cart. I´m also excited...
  6. F

    Nick/Sara - - #21 - - Nick knows Kung Fu

    Yeah I hope it´s not true csiemily! Some screencaps. Hard to capture the sentiment in that bedroom scene with just one image.. Nick finds Sara in the desert Nick tears up looking at pictures of Sara Nick gingerly wipes sand off the sidle vest
  7. F

    Nick/Sara - - #21 - - Nick knows Kung Fu

    Awww! Such a wonderful Snickers episode! FINALLY. When Nick saw the pictures of Sara and regained his faith. So beautiful! I´m just going to pretend the end scene didn´t happen. I mean Grissom didn´t look like he cared during most of the time, and he was useless rescuing Sara. Really what was...
  8. F

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    Well if Sara´s gone, I´m gone. GSR almost killed the show for me and I couldn´t watch most S7. But Jorja leaving would be the definate end of this show. I hope it´s not true...
  9. F

    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** About Sara wandering the desert: 1.) She had to get away from the car in case Natalie came back 2.) She had to make it to higher ground because of the flood and of course to get a good look at where the hell she was. 3.) Sara is a survivor (as Cath...
  10. F

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

    Sara-focus is long overdue. Last time was S5. I´m happy when any of the young turks (incl Greg) gets quality airtime really. However. I hope this ep is NOT about her and Grissom. Lately Sara´s existing as Grissoms appendix (they only show her reacting to what HE does). Let her interact with the...
  11. F

    "Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

    But Nick DID address it openly! He confronted Catherine as soon as he found her out, but she pulled rank on him. That´s what caused the mutiny. Also I don´t think the Young Turks thought Keppler/Cath were incompetent. Right off the bat they suspected IA or something corrupt. They knew that it...
  12. F

    Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

    Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L *sigh* well I liked the "It ain´t cheating.." one Heart :) Also like "One way or another" (haven´t we used that one?) and "Ain´t no sunshine when she´s gone". Do your poll magic! Must say I´m mystified (well I get why TPTB do...
  13. F

    Ratings: CSI vs ...

    Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy Well I stopped watching "live" after S6 finale and I am planning to start watching again when Grissom leaves on sabbatical. I get all the news, reviews and spoilers just reading this board. I´ve watched a few eps S7 though but only post-air - got the...
  14. F

    Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

    Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L AND Snickers of course won favourite ship on this site beating out ALL other Vegas, Miami and NY ships! :) Anyway I came to report two things that gives me hope for Snickers. 1) The CSI premiere S7 showed a major drop in viewer...
  15. F

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Awwww, Eric I forgive everything! I was admittedly bitter after he broke up with Sara in TV Guide last year but now..Could there still be hope? Since Grissom is leaving and all. I may still tune in for S7 in spite of the finale. :)