Recent content by flackfan_82

  1. flackfan_82

    Ooops, What a mistake!

    uh, or if he was BREATHING :wtf:... it's very simple...ABC's... A= airway, B= breathing, C= circulation. No A or B = no C...Gah! Stuff like that just irks me...:rolleyes: and by the way...who was the paramedic talking to, anyways? he was all alone!!!! :wtf:...reminds me of a nurse I used to...
  2. flackfan_82

    Grade 'Taxi'

    I think I'll join you in that minority LG...I was equally unimpressed and disappointed by the mess that was last nite's epi. The Cabbie-Killer arc had so much potential that was just tossed aside for some cheap thrills and a few too many leaps of smartass for my liking... I get that these...
  3. flackfan_82

    slightly OT: my CSI: NY novel is out

    you are so very welcome ;) Finished it today, four days after purchasing...had a very hard time putting it down to sleep and work!:) without spoiling it for others, I must tell you that you did a fantastic job of personifying the characters, in my a devoted Flack lover, I loved all...
  4. flackfan_82

    Grade 'Personal Foul'

    Imma gonna go with warm like a lovely summer day...I'm not so fond of that just peed your pants feeling...not that that happens to me alot...*whistles*:o Yes but you love it...and you are now wishing you had that pic of adam on your cell phone and that every time you'd call him he'd answer...
  5. flackfan_82

    slightly OT: my CSI: NY novel is out

    Just got my hands on it today, from Chapters, and am already four chapters in. It's very good :D...can't wait to finish it!
  6. flackfan_82

    Grade 'Personal Foul'

    ZOMG!!! I totally forgot about that. I nearly peed myself when that popped up...kinda unprofessional, that it was taken in the lab, if we're gonna jump on that soap box again, but hilarious got the hamster wheel turning thinking of all the call display pics the team would have...
  7. flackfan_82

    Grade 'Personal Foul'

    Randomness ensuing...the episode was entertaining to say the least – Flack can flash us anytime, right peeps??? Sorry, highlight of my night, clearly, lolz! A- purely for Flack-skin:devil:...nothing else matters, lolz:guffaw: Is there only one subway station in all of New York? Can’t find...
  8. flackfan_82

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    :drool::drool::drool::drool:, i was actually gonna make a comment, but was slightly distracted would be too...he's just so damn gorgeous.:devil: :guffaw:dude he's flashin his badge too is lookin to um 'reach out and touch him' if u know what i mean...I hear ya, I...
  9. flackfan_82

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    wow...that clip just made my night, even tho my comp froze at 1:18 into it. so glad that they changed the scenario a bit, having Flack and Danny at the game makes much more sense! At least we know he's into the sport. If it was a playoff hockey game I'd think it'd be even more...
  10. flackfan_82

    Grade 'Admissions'

    well, i have to say, quite impressed with the twist ending. I won't be suprised if it all got glossed over/swept under the rug a bit on Gerrard's behalf, some sort of 'early retirement' etc...I think i'd have done the same thing. It was very gut wrenching, to have him listen to what happened to...
  11. flackfan_82

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    yay, finally a spoiler I can get on board with :D :D :D... It's about time they switched the focus, and focusing on Flack is a great way to go. I cannot wait wait wait to see this epi! I have been dying for some little Flack tidbits, and to have a case involving his lil sis', well that's just...
  12. flackfan_82

    Grade 'Like Water for Murder'

    not a bad epi...the cabbie killer storyline is interesting, and I like the idea that he could be killing just for the sake of killing, it would be a nice change. The biblical thing makes sense, with the gravestone and apparent starting point of the church. What if he decided to go south down the...
  13. flackfan_82

    Grade 'Right Next Door'

    *sigh*...okay, my brain is worn out after a long busy night shift and reading all these posts! great conversations I expected, the discussion is ripe with opinion... The Stella-centric storyline was refreshing. Well played, although i do agree that the case was a conflict of...
  14. flackfan_82

    Grade 'DOA For A Day'

    I am one happy camper :D So glad new episodes are back! I can hardly contain myself, tee hee :D -Adam totally rocks :thumbsup:...I loved every bit of him tonite, kudos! and I really liked that they pulled him out of the lab more than once, tee hee - doesn't look like there are any...
  15. flackfan_82

    Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

    I like it when he flips and lets his emotions run wild...wild and crazy flack...tee hee...almost as fine as SUPERFLACK! :thumbsup:lmao... I was lyin in bed the other night thinking about what Flack might be like as a you think he'd be a thoughtful boyfriend? total workaholic who...