Recent content by Flack-Angell

  1. Flack-Angell

    Grade 'To What End?'

    ASLKDGFASDKLGSLADKFGH THIS EPISODE WAS SO AWESOME (sorry for the capslock abuse, but Flack <33333 I think I love him even more now! (like that is even possible) And that ending scene <3 Don Flack + 3 Doors Down + awesomeness in general = SKLDGJSAKGL <33333 BTW that jump...
  2. Flack-Angell

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    YAY! Thanks! :D *goes off into fangirl mode*
  3. Flack-Angell

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    Is it this episode who's supposed to be a bit centered around Flack?
  4. Flack-Angell

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    ... when all of your friends know who Don Flack is, even though they've never seen an episode. :lol:
  5. Flack-Angell

    True Blood

    Question: If the first book is basically like season 1, and the second book is season 2... Will the fourth book be season 4? Because my sister says that book 4 has already happened. :confused:
  6. Flack-Angell

    CSI: NY Season 7 Wishlist.

    Wow. I never watched X-files so I didn't know... I'm sorry.
  7. Flack-Angell

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

    I'm sure she's a good actress, but the stylists have to do something about her hairstyle! :scream: It's horrible!
  8. Flack-Angell

    CSI: NY Season 7 Wishlist.

    The X-files fans waited... 9 seasons? For Mulder and Scully to get together, and I think they never did... :p One point for me? :D MY BIGGEST WISH RIGHT NOW: To give Stella a real goodbye, and for them to introduce the new character in a good way. (The bad way being Haylen's introduction...)
  9. Flack-Angell

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    Naaaaw! I have to see that movie! :D
  10. Flack-Angell

    Who Said It and What Episode

    Stella, The Formula? :p I really don't know
  11. Flack-Angell

    CSI: NY Season 7 Wishlist.

    Number 1 was a great idea! It would be... AWESOME :D Number 6... LMAO :guffaw: Mac (in interrogation room): *stomps foot on top of the table* These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do... One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over YOU. *points at suspect* :lol:
  12. Flack-Angell

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

    12 suspects died in Mac's custody? Ouch, I bet that one hurt, Maccie boy :guffaw:
  13. Flack-Angell

    CSI: NY Season 7 Wishlist.

    A main character... But he/she wouldn't die of course! I love them all too much. :lol: But yeah, this is a great idea for a murder! (OK, that was a weird sentence...)
  14. Flack-Angell

    Grade Season Six

    HELL NO! I loved her! :D She was kinda adorable.