Recent content by FallenAngel92

  1. FallenAngel92

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday Dierdre :)
  2. FallenAngel92

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday Shinydream :)
  3. FallenAngel92

    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    Happy Birthday Eric! :)
  4. FallenAngel92

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #6

    From the album Day & Age by The Killers: 1. Losing Touch 2. Human 3. Spaceman 4. Joy Ride 5. A Dustland Fairytale 6. This is Your Life 7. I can't Stay 8. Neon Tiger 9. The World We Live In 10. Goodnight, Travel Well
  5. FallenAngel92

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday may 200607 :)
  6. FallenAngel92

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Welcome Steleen :)
  7. FallenAngel92

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday OHGOD :)
  8. FallenAngel92

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday Little Peaches :)
  9. FallenAngel92

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Haven't been here for a while. Welcome to all the new people. :D
  10. FallenAngel92

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Welcome to all the new people who arrived since i was last here. :D
  11. FallenAngel92

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #6

    1. Landon Pigg - Falling in Love At a Coffee Shop 2. Ashley Tisdale - Masquerade 3. Ashley Tisdale - How Do You Love Someone 4. Ashley Tisdale - Overrated 5. Oasis - The Masterplan 6. Oasis - I'm Outta Time 7. Oasis - Little By Little 8. The Killers - Tidal Wave 9. The Killers - Forget About...
  12. FallenAngel92

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Belated birthdays to everyone i missed. And happy birthday to kindoe and blackflag :)
  13. FallenAngel92

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday candygirl1uk and Dragonfly :)
  14. FallenAngel92

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Dear_______. I've had enough of you, you've really annoyed me this time. All you do is critisize me. You say my boyfriend doesn't deserve me cause' apparantly i put him through so much and treat him badly. Ugh!! Seriously, look at your own relationship before you critisize mine, okay? Cause' you...
  15. FallenAngel92

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday, HellsBells and Nick_Lover77 :)