Recent content by everclaire

  1. E

    Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

    It's my birthday today :)
  2. E

    The British and Irish Thread

    The weather here was mental yesterday. It was sunny for a minute, then the loudest thunder of my life, crazy heavy rainfall, but it was still warm enough that it was nice to stand on the balcony in the middle of it all. Funny though, because my friend was up from Edinburgh and my boyfriend and I...
  3. E

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    to my flatmate- what's going on with us? we have been friends for so long and I think we're falling in love. but there's so many complications. do we risk it? can we risk losing not only oher friends but our own prefect friendship for love? to me: START GOING TO UNI! you are so behind and yet...
  4. E

    The Secrets Thread

    Maybe the tutor was so extensive in their teaching that they taught your friend to write backwards to avoid smudges. I read somewhere that left-handed people don't live as long as right-handed people due to added stress in everyday life because they live in a right-handed world - notebooks...
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    The Secrets Thread

    I know that everyone is saying this, but I really thought that it was only me who lived a life of fantasy. My boyfriend tells me that its unhealthy that I live in these little worlds that have been made up, and have no hold upon real life and when it comes to stepping outside my little...
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    The British and Irish Thread

    Wimbledon is sweet, I absolutely love it, which is weird because its probably the most un-me thing to like ever. Wanna talk about something British and Irish? I had fish and chips for dinner! And because I'm in Scotland, Potato fritters too, which are like battered chips. Isn't this a weird...
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    The British and Irish Thread

    Got friends there too, at the uni!
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    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    It's cool being able to put names to faces!
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    The British and Irish Thread

    now i don't know whereabouts, can't remember, it was all a bit wigany lol, I was staying with Simon and Adam Barton, went down with Matthew Pegg and Kate Andrews, it's a long bus journey from Dundee!!
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    I certainly hope so. It's brilliant.
  11. E

    The British and Irish Thread

    really? i know a fair few people in wigan, in fact i went to visit in november!
  12. E

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    It's weird to see pictures of you all! But here are a couple of me: Me with my LAST EVER photographed cigarette (Alas, I've quit now) At a rave! I am the golden girl. VERY drunk in London. Good times.
  13. E

    Crushes on Fictional Characters

    Oh my GOD it has to be House. He's just so ANGRY! But not Hugh Laurie lol, makes me think of the Blackadder days and thats just WRONG.
  14. E

    100 hottest guys (BASED ON YOUR OPINION)

    Aha, a fun game! Kevin Bacon Johnny Depp Seth Green Milo Ventimiglia James Marsters Hugh Laurie Keanu Reeves (though a terrible actor!) Cillian Murphy Jeff Buckley (but totally dead) Harrison Ford (I know he's ancient) Kiefer Sutherland Jude Law
  15. E

    Movies that Traumatized You!

    Oh Jesus that episode was horrible! I was terrified! I watched the Exorcist when I was 12 and it really did scare me. I mean properly. But I watched it again when I was 17 and I laughed, so I don't know why I was so scared the first time, I think it was more the ideas behind the film. When I...